Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Phillips AND Ronald AND D)

Select Item Title Year Published
A report on the hydrography, marine plants and fishes of the Caloosahatchee River area, Lee County, Florida / 1960
An Evaluation of trend detection techniques for use in water quality monitoring programs / 1989
Cytogenetics 1977
Distribution of seagrasses in Tampa Bay, Florida. 1962
Field guide to amphibians and reptiles of Illinois / 1999
Habitat development field investigations, Port St. Joe seagrass demonstration site, Port St. Joe, Florida : summary report / 1978
Handbook of seagrass biology : an ecosystem perspective / 1980
Observations on the ecology and distribution of the Florida seagrasses. 1960
Report on the marine plants, bottom types and hydrography of the St. Lucie Estuary and adjacent Indian River, Florida, 1960
Seagrass communities of the Gulf Coast of Florida : status and ecology / 2004
Seagrasses 1988
The ecology of eelgrass meadows in the Pacific Northwest : a community profile / 1985

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