Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 39
Showing: Items 1 - 39
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Phillips AND D AND C)

Select Item Title Year Published
A report on the hydrography, marine plants and fishes of the Caloosahatchee River area, Lee County, Florida / 1960
Acute Toxicity of Ammonia to Fathead Minnows. 1983
Air pathway exposure model validation study at the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant / 1976
An Evaluation of trend detection techniques for use in water quality monitoring programs / 1989
Anion exchange method for the determination of plutonium in water : single-laboratory evaluation and interlaboratory collaborative study / 1978
Anion exchange method for the determination of plutonium in water : single-laboratory evaluation and interlaboratory collaborative study / 1978
Chemical-Physical Aspects of Deep Trickling Filters. 1964
Current practice in seafoods processing waste treatment / 1970
Development of a mathematical basis for relating sludge properties to FGD-scrubber operating variable / 1978
Distribution of seagrasses in Tampa Bay, Florida. 1962
Enjebi Island dose assessment 1987
Environmental radiation data : January - March 1985 / Report 41. 1985
Fetal and Maternal Effects of Continual Exposure of Rats to 970-MHz Circularly-Polarized Microwaves. 1992
Framework for Analysis of Error Propagation in National Carbon Budgets. 1996
Future applications of desalting processes for the reduction of industrial water pollution final report. 1973
Gas chromatography / 1956
Habitat development field investigations, Port St. Joe seagrass demonstration site, Port St. Joe, Florida : summary report / 1978
Handbook of seagrass biology : an ecosystem perspective / 1980
Implications of Climate Change Scenarios for Soil Erosion Potential in the USA. 1993
Increased Toxicity of Ammonia to Rainbow Trout 'Salmo gairdneri' Resulting from Reduced Concentrations of Dissolved Oxygen. 1981
Metal bioaccumulation in fishes and aquatic invertebrates : a literature review / 1978
N Skyshine Survey at a 2400 M W [t] nuclear power plant : December, 1975 / 1975
Observations on the ecology and distribution of the Florida seagrasses. 1960
Possible Approaches to Establishing Interlaboratory Comparability of Measurements of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Human Serum. 1991
Radiological survey of Ingalls Shipbuilding Division, Pascagoula, Mississippi, and environs / 1982
Radiological survey of Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, Maine, and environs / 1979
Radiological survey of Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Bremerton, Washington, and environs / 1977
Rat Strain and Stock Comparisons Using a Functional Observational Battery: Baseline Values and Effects of Amitraz. 1991
Report on the marine plants, bottom types and hydrography of the St. Lucie Estuary and adjacent Indian River, Florida, 1960
Risk assessment for dioxin contamination at Midland, Michigan : final. 1988
Seagrass communities of the Gulf Coast of Florida : status and ecology / 2004
Seagrass Communities of the Gulf Coast of Florida: Status and Ecology. 2004
Summary of accidental releases of radioactivity detected off the Nevada test site : 1963-1986 / 1988
Summary Report for Personal Chemical Exposure Informatics: Visualization and Exploratory Research in Simulations and Systems (PerCEIVERS). 2012
Test procedure for uranium in drinking water : interlaboratory collaborative study. / 1983
The Assessment of the Radiological Impact of Western Coal Utilization, Phase I, Draft 1977
The ecology of eelgrass meadows in the Pacific Northwest : a community profile / 1985
The effects of home ventilation systems on indoor radon-radon daughter levels / 1978
Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Lime/Limestone Wet Scrubbing Process. 1974

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