Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 171
Showing: Items 1 - 50
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Select Item Title Year Published
50 one-minute tips for better communication 1991
A crossover design study to evaluate the effectiveness of appliance inspection and servicing for lowering indoor nitrogen dioxide concentrations / 1988
A field key to the Florida sharks / 1965
A guide to the Library of Congress classification. 1971
A procedure for tracking emissions growth and air quality maintenance : final report / 1977
A Supplement to Methods for collection and analysis of aquatic biological and microbiological samples : U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of water-resources investigations, book 5, chapter A4 / 1979
Action Program for Clean Water. 1969
Adsorption and ion exchange fundamentals and applications / 1988
Afterburner Systems Study. 1972
An annotated key to the identification of commonly occurring and dominant genera of algae observed in the phytoplankton of the United States / 1982
Analysis of data from the california enhanced I/M pilot program 1995
Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Invertebrate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume V. Stored Products and Premise Treatments. 1977
Analytical gas chromatography. 1997
Apply Pesticides Correctly. A Guide for Commercial Applicators. Food Processing Pest Control. 1976
Bathymetric investigation of the Patuxent River system 1980
Biosurfactant production by gasoline-degrading bacteria from a contaminated aquifer / 1992
Biota and biological principles of the aquatic environment / 1982
Building construction cost data, 2006 / 2005
Buy smart, buy safe : a consumer's guide to less-toxic products / 1994
By-product gypsum in Illinois--a new resource? / 1973
California patterns a geographical and historical atlas / 1983
Capillary-Diffusion and Self-Diffusion of Liquid Water in Unsaturated Soils. 1971
Cloud chemistry and meteorological research at Whiteface Mountain : summer 1979 / 1980
Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) fluorescent pigment mark-recovery program for the Taku, Berners, and Chilkat Rivers in southeastern Alaska (1972-1974) / 1978
Combating Water Scarcity in Southern Africa Case Studies from Namibia / [electronic resource] : 2014
Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Alternatives Washington, D.C. 1970
Combined sewer overflow abatement alternatives Washington, D.C. / 1970
Common errors in statistics (and how to avoid them) / 2009
Common Laboratory Instruments for Measurement of Radioactivity. 1967
Composition and abundance of phytoplankton from the nearshore zone of the central basin of Lake Erie during the 1978-79 Lake Erie Nearshore study 1981
Conservation in the United States; a documentary history. 1971
Contingency Response for Rapid Evaluation of Radiological Pollution from a Space Vehicle Launch Accident. 1971
Control of asbestos exposure during brake drum service / 1989
Control technology for sources of PM10 : draft report / 1985
Ecological effects of highway construction upon Michigan woodlots and wetlands / 1977
Economic and Institutional Analysis of Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Projects. 1971
Economic incentives for land use control / 1977
Effects of charged particles on cascade impactor calibrations / 1978
Effects of environmental stresses on a shortgrass prairie ecosystem, 1970 and 1971 / 1973
Effects of RVP on emissions at 20 Degrees F ambient temperature / 1991
Effects of water and nitrogen stresses on a shortgrass prairie ecosystem / 1973
Effects of water-management alternatives on streamflow in the Ipswich River Basin, Massachusetts / 2002
Elementary differential equations / 1981
Emergency care for hazardous materials exposure 1988
Emergency care for hazardous materials exposure / 2005
Emission density zoning / 1977
Emission test report HC1 monitoring for characterization test program : Marion County Solid Waste-to-Energy Facility, Ogden Martin Systems of Marion, Inc., Brooks, Oregon / 1988
Energy Development: The Environmental Tradeoffs. Volume 3: Relative Environmental Ranking of Proposed Offshore Continental Shelf Areas on the Basis of Impacts of Oil Spills. 1975
Entrainment impact estimates using the equivalent adult approach 1978
Environment and Colorado a handbook. 1973
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