Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Peterson AND D AND E)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A test method for the measurement of methanol emissions from stationary sources / 1994
A test simulation of potential effects of thermal power plants on streams in the upper Mississippi River basin / 1968
Acute and Chronic Toxicity of Some Chlorinated Benzenes, Chlorinated Ethanes, and Tetrachloroethylene to 'Daphnia magna'. 1983
Advanced Utility Simulation Model Description of Modifications to the State Level Model (Version 3.0). 1989
Advanced Utility Simulation Model, Report of Sensitivity Testing, Calibration, and Model Output Comparisons (Version 3.0). 1989
Advanced Utility Simulation Model, User's Guide (Version 3.0). 1988
APTI correspondence course 412 : baghouse plan review : student guidebook / 1982
APTI course SI-417, controlling VOC emissions from leaking process equipment : student guidebook / 1982
APTI course SI:412 baghouse plan review : student guidebook / 1982
Beneficiation of a hemaititic taconite by reduction roasting, magnetic separation, and flotation 1981
Bioaccumulation and Toxicity of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and Related Compounds in Aquatic Ecosystems. 1990
Carbon Pools and Flux on Forested Lands of the United States. 1994
Chemically active fluid bed for SOx control / 1979
Chemically induced alterations in functional development and reproduction of fishes : proceedings from a session at the Wingspread Conference Center, 21-23 July 1995, Racine, Wisconsin / 1997
Clay Liner Construction and Quality Control. 1986
Colchicine-Induced Deafferentation of the Hippocampus Selectively Disrupts Cholinergic Rhythmical Slow Wave Activity. 1991
Comparative Toxicology of Laboratory Organisms for Assessing Hazardous Waste Sites. 1985
Conversion of cattle feedlot manure to ethylene and ammonia synthesis gas / 1978
Cumulative effects assessment in Canada : an agenda for action and research / 1987
Current Status and Historical Trends of Brown Tide and Red Tide Phytoplankton in the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Study Area. 1996
Design Issues for Evaluating Seedling Exposure Studies. 1992
Developing a Watershed Management Plan for Water Quality: An Introductory Guide. 2000
Development of a Test Method for the Measurement of Gaseous Methanol Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1993
Effect of Carbon Monoxide on Time Perception. 1973
Effect of Dredging Lilly Lake, Wisconsin. 1984
Effect of Ozone on Human Cellular and Humoral Immunity: Characterization of T and B Lymphocytes by Rosette Formation. 1978
Fluidized bed combustion process evaluation / 1975
Fluidized bed combustion process evaluation : (phase I-residual oil gasification/desulfurization demonstration at atmospheric pressure) : volume II-appendixes / 1975
Fluidized bed combustion process evaluation : phase II--pressurized fluidized bed coal combustion development / 1975
Fuels technology : a state-of-the art review / 1975
Handbook of noise measurement 1974
Handbook of noise measurement 1972
Influence of Climate Change on Forest Growth Response to Nutrient Amendments. 1989
Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiation Levels From Selected Transmitters Operating Between 54 and 220 MHz in the Las Vegas, Nevada, Area. 1971
NFPA fire prevention code handbook 2000
On-Road Remote Sensing of CO and HC Emissions in California. 1994
Organic Contaminants Removal for Potable Reuse. 1987
Predicting the carboxyhemoglobin levels resulting from carbon monoxide exposures / 1973
Proceedings of the Symposium on Tornadoes: Assessment of Knowledge and Implications for Man, June 22-24, 1976, Texas Tech University 1977
Reduction roasting of nonmagnetic taconites with automobile scrap / 1970
Regional Variation in Growth Response of Coastal Douglas-Fir to Nitrogen Fertilizer in the Pacific Northwest. 1990
Response of forest trees to sulfur, nitrogen, and associated pollutants / 1990
Restoration of failing on-lot sewage disposal areas {microfiche} 1984
Selective oxidation of automobile scrap 1972
Simulation modeling of thermal effluent in an irrigation system / 1970
Statistical issues for seedling studies in air pollution research / 1988
Summary : the Virgin Islands Sand Mining Workshop, 28-30 November 1978 / 1979
Test of a Prototype Eddy Accumulator for Measuring Atmospheric Vertical Fluxes of Water Vapor and Particulate Sulfate. 1985
Thermal effects of projected power growth : lower Mississippi River basin / 1972
Thermal effects of projected power growth : Missouri River Basin / 1971
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