Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Perlmutter AND Nathaniel AND M)

Select Item Title Year Published
Availability of fresh ground water, Montauk Point area, Suffolk County, Long Island, New York 1963
Correlation and foraminifera of the Monmouth Group (Upper Cretaceous) Long Island, New York, 1965
Detergents and associated contaminants in ground water at three public-supply well fields in southwestern Suffolk County, Long Island, New York / 1970
Dispersal of plating wastes and sewage contaminants in ground water and surface water, South Farmingdale-Massapequa area, Nassau County, New York / 1970
Geology and ground-water conditions in southern Nassau and southeastern Queens counties, Long Island, N.Y. / 1963
Geology and ground-water resources of Rockland County, New York : with special emphasis on the Newark group (Triassic) / 1959
Mapping of geologic formations and aquifers of Long Island, New York. 1949
Preliminary hydrogeologic appraisal of nitrate in ground-water and streams, Southern Nassau county, Long Island, New York / 1972

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