Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 56
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Pellizzari AND Edo AND D)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparative evaluation of GC/MS data analysis processing / 1985
A comparative evaluation of GC/MS data analysis processing / 1984
A preliminary assessment of halogenated organic compounds in man and environmental media / 1982
Acquisition and chemical analysis of mother's milk for selected toxic substances / 1980
Ambient air carcinogenic vapors : improved sampling and analytical techniques and field studies / 1979
Analysis of a series of samples for polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) / 1977
Analysis of Industrial Wastewater for Organic Pollutants in Consent Decree Survey. 1983
Analysis of organic air pollutants by gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy / 1977
Analysis of organic air pollutants by gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy : final report / 1979
Analysis of organic air pollutants by gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy : final report / 1979
Analysis of organic air pollutants in the Kanawha Valley, WV and the Shenandoah Valley, VA / 1978
Analytical protocols for making a preliminary assessment of halogenated organic compounds in man and environmental media / 1979
Arsenic contribution from dietary sources / 2003
Breath measurements of individuals exposed to chemicals during personal activities : final report / 1990
Collection and analysis of purgeable organics emitted from wastewater treatment plants / 1980
Collection, Chemical Fractionation, and Mutagenicity Bioassay of Ambient Air Particulate. 1982
Development of analytic techniques for measuring ambient atmospheric carcinogenic vapors / 1975
Development of analytical techniques for measuring ambient atmospheric carcinogenic vapors / 1976
Development of method for carcinogenic vapor analysis in ambient atmospheres / 1974
Development of sampling and analytical methodology for TRIS(2,3-dibromopropyl)phosphate 1978
Direct measurement of volatile organic compounds in breathing-zone air, drinking water, breath, blood, and urine / 1983
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : brominated chemicals / 1978
EPA method study 33 : ignitability characteristics of solids / 1986
Evaluation of sampling methods for gaseous atmospheric samples / 1984
Formulation of a preliminary assessment of halogenated organic compounds in man and environmental media / 1979
Identification and analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls and other related chemicals in municipal sewage sludge / 1977
Identification and analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls and other related chemicals in municipal sewage sludge samples / 1977
Identification of components of energy-related wastes and effluents 1978
Identification of components of energy-related wastes and effluents / 1978
Indoor air quality in public buildings : volume I : project summary / 1988
Interlaboratory evaluation of measurements for HCN and H2S released from wastes / 1985
Master analytical scheme for organic compounds in water / 1985
Master analytical scheme for organic compounds in water : Part 1. protocols / 1985
Master analytical scheme for organic compounds in water : Part 2. Appendices to Protocols / 1985
Optimization of GC/MS based Tenax collection method for toxic organics / 1983
Optimization of GC/MS Based Tenax Collection Method for Toxic Organics. 1983
Organic screening in Lake Charles, LA using gas chromatography mass spectrometry computer techniques : final report / 1979
Particle total exposure assessment methodology (PTEAM) : Riverside, California pilot study - volume I / 1993
Particle total exposure assessment methodology (PTEAM) : Riverside, California pilot study : project summary / 1993
Personal Exposure to Volatile Organics and Other Compounds Indoors and Outdoors - The TEAM (Total Exposure Assessment Methodology) Study. 1983
Preparation and evaluation of new sorbents for environmental monitoring : volume I and volume II / 1983
Preparation and evaluation of new sorbents for environmental monitoring : volume I. / 1983
Preparation and evaluation of new sorbents for environmental monitoring : volume II. Synthesis and quality control testing of sorbents for air monitoring / 1983
Quantification of benzene in 150 ambient air samples. 1977
Quantification of chlorinated hydrocarbons in previously collected air samples 1978
Quantification of chlorinated hydrocarbons in previously collected air samples / 1978
Sampling and analysis for chemicals in ambient air surrounding the bromine industry : interim report / 1978
The measurement of carcinogenic vapors in ambient atmospheres / 1977
The measurement of carcinogenic vapors in ambient atmospheres / 1978
The measurement of carcinogenic vapors in ambient atmospheres / 1978
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