Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Payne AND E)

Select Item Title Year Published
An exposure and risk assessment for lead / 1982
An exposure and risk assessment for pentachlorophenol / 1980
An exposure and risk assessment for phenol / 1981
Diffusion in the Vicinity of Standard-Design Nuclear Power Plants--II: Wind-Tunnel Evaluation of Building-Wake Characteristics. 1982
Diffusion in the Vicinity of Standard-Design Nuclear Power Plants-I. Wind-Tunnel Evaluation of Diffusive Characteristics of a Simulated Suburban Neutral Atmospheric Boundary Layer. 1982
Fate and weathering of petroleum spills in the marine environment : a literature review and synopsis / 1980
Field Evaluation of Low-Emission Coal Burner Technology on Utility Boilers. Volume 4. Alternative Concepts for SOx, NOx, and Particulate Emissions Control from a Fuel-Rich Precombustor. 1989
Field testing pesticide transport models at a cooperative test site near Plains, Georgia / 1991
Influence of Cadmium, Nickel, and Chromium on Primary Immunity in Mice. 1977
Interim protocol for measuring hydrolysis rate constants in aqueous solutions / 1988
Lake Herman Model Implementation Program and 314 Clean Lakes Project Final Report 1986
Liquid and Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Diethyl Phthalate in Water and Sediment. 1981
Measurement of hydrolysis rate constants for evaluation of hazardous waste land disposal / 1986
Measurement of hydrolysis rate constants for evaluation of hazardous waste land disposal Data on 32 chemicals / 1986
Measurement of hydrolysis rate constants for evaluation of hazardous waste land disposal. Volume 1, Data on 32 chemicals / 1987
Measurement of hydrolysis rate constants for evaluation of hazardous waste land disposal. Volume 2, Data on 54 chemicals / 1987
Measurement of hydrolysis rate constants for evaluation of hazardous waste land disposal. Volume 3, Data on 70 chemicals / 1988
Persistence and Disappearance by Washoff and Dryfall of Methoxychlor from Soybean Foliage - A Preliminary Study. 1981
Reservoir limnology : ecological perspectives / 1990
Stigma and radioactive waste : theory, assessment, and some empirical findings from Hanford, WA / 1989
Strategy for evaluating in-lake treatment effectiveness and longevity 1991
The concept of TIME : Temporally Integrated Monitoring of Ecosystems (TIME) : supplement / 1988

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