Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Additional studies on the softening of rigid PVC by aqueous solutions of organic solvents / 1995
Analysis of the Genotoxicity of Anthraquinone Dyes in the Mouse Lymphoma Assay. 1991
Assessment of industrial hazardous waste practices : inorganic chemicals industry / 1975
Bibliography of Aquatic Ecosystem Effects, Analytical Methods and Treatment Technologies for Organic Compounds in Advanced Fossil-Fuel Processing Effluents. Volume 2. 1980
Biological aspects of thermal pollution; proceedings. 1969
Catalogue and synopsis of Caligus, a genus of Copepoda (Crustacea) parasitic on fishes / 1975
Cleaning up sites contaminated with radioactive materials : international workshop proceedings / 2009
Combined effects of cadmium and zinc on a Lake Michigan zooplankton community / 1980
Comparison of Mutagenicity Results for Nine Compounds Evaluated at the 'hgprt' Locus in the Standard and Suspension CHO Assays. 1991
Container standardization for category I liquid agricultural pesticides 1980
Conversion of cattle feedlot wastes to ammonia synthesis gas / 1974
Design Modifications to the Source Assessment Sampling System. 1981
Ecological scale : theory and applications / 1998
Effect of geographical location on cooling pond requirements and performance / 1971
Effect of soil temperature and pH on nitrification kinetics in soils receiving a low level of ammonium enrichment 1981
Effect of Well-Drilling Fluids of the Physiological Status and Microbial Infection of the Reef Building Coral 'Montastrea annularis'. 1984
Effects of cyanophage SAM-1 upon Microcystis aeruginosa / 1977
Effects of pollutants on marine organisms : deliberations and recommendations of the NSF/IDOE Effects of Pollutants on Marine Organisms Workshop, held in Sidney, British Columbia, Canada, August 11-14, 1974 / 1976
Engineering aspects of thermal pollution; proceedings. 1969
Evaluation of four well casing materials for monitoring selected trace level organics in ground water 1989
Evaluation of mathematical models for temperature prediction in deep reservoirs / 1975
Financial Management Evaluation Handbook for Wastewater Utility. 1989
Financial Management Evaluation Handbook: Wastewater Utilities. 1988
Financial Management Evaluation. Appendices (Wastewater Utility). 1989
Genotoxicity of 2-Amino-6-N-Hydroxyadenine (AHA) to Mouse Lymphoma and CHO Cells. 1991
Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 2006
Health assessment document for dichloromethane (methylene chloride). 1982
Hydrocarbons, Polychorinated Diphenyls, and DDE in Mussels and Oysters from the U.S. Coast - 1976-1978 - the Mussel Watch. 1982
Hydrology of major estuaries and sounds of North Carolina 1985
Impact of slow-rate land treatment on groundwater quality : toxic organics / 1984
Integration and coordination of State environmental programs. 1975
Integrative Wildlife Nutrition [electronic resource] / 2009
Negatively buoyant jets in a cross flow / 1973
Occurrence and distribution of human bacterial pathogens in Virginia surface waters 1979
Oil shale and the environment / 1977
Physical and engineering aspects of thermal pollution. 1970
Pollutant transfer to the marine environment deliberations and recommendations of the NSF/IDOE Pollutant Transfer Workshop held in Port Aransas, Texas, January 11-12, 1974. 1974
Potentially hazardous emissions from the extraction and processing of coal and oil, 1975
RCRA & superfund update : impacts on the Northeast, May 5-7, 1983 : conference proceedings / 1984
Riparian ecology and management in multi-land use watersheds : proceedings, AWRA's 2000 Summer Specialty Conference, August 28-31, 2000, Portland, Oregon / 2000
Selected values of chemical thermodynamic properties : tables for elements 54 through 61 in the standard order of arrangement / 1971
Sensitive Assay, Based on Hydroxy Fatty Acids from Lipopolysaccharide Lipid A, for Gram-Negative Bacteria in Sediments. 1982
Softening of rigid polyvinyl chloride by high concentrations of aqueous solutions of methylene chloride 1992
Sorption of trace-level organics by ABS, FEP, FRE and FRP well casings 1994
Standard operating procedures for fisheries acoustic surveys in the Great Lakes : prepared for the Study Group on Fisheries Acoustics in the Great Lakes, Great Lakes Fishery Commission / 2009
Study of five discrete interval-type groundwater sampling devices / 2002
Suitability of polyvinyl chloride pipe for monitoring TNT, RDX, HMX and DNT in groundwater / 1985
Surface changes in well casing pipe exposed to high concentrations of organics in aqueous solution 1990
The exiles / 2009
Thermal pollution: status of the art 1969
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