Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Pahren AND H AND R)

Select Item Title Year Published
Health Aspects of Wastewater Aerosols. 1981
Health Effects Associated with Wastewater Treatment and Disposal. 1980
Health Effects Associated with Wastewater Treatment and Disposal. 1981
Hydraulic Fracturing to Improve Nutrient and Oxygen Delivery for In situ Bioreclamation. 1991
Industrial Waste Guide - By-Product Coke. 1956
Microorganisms in Municipal Solid Waste and Public Health Implications. 1987
Novel Delivering of Nutrients and Oxygen to Aid In situ Bioreclamation. 1990
Report on Pollution of the Merrimack River and Certain Tributaries. Part IV. Pilot Plant Study of Benthal Oxygen Demand. 1966
Stream Surveys in Vicinity of Uranium Mills; II. Area of Moab, Utah - August 1960 1961
Study of Colorado River Water Quality Near Yuma, Arizona. 1961
Survey of Interstate Pollution of the Animas River Colorado New Mexico II 1959 Surveys 1960
Survey of Interstate Pollution of the Animas River Colorado-New Mexico 1959
Waste disposal aspects of potential pulp mills in western Colorado / 1960

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