Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10

Select Item Title Year Published
A small scale biomass fueled gas turbine engine / 1998
Biomass power plant demonstration at Camp Lejeune / 1998
Biomass-Fueled, Small-Scale, Integrated-Gasifier, Gas-Turbine Power Plant: Progress Report on the Phase 2 Development. 2000
Camp Lejeune Energy from Wood (CLEW) Project. 1999
Demonstration of a 1 MWe Biomass Power Plant at USMC Base Camp Lejeune. 1998
Demonstration of a 200-Kilowatt Biomass Fueled Power Plant. 1994
Demonstration of a Small Biomass Power Plant. 1994
Development of a New Generation of Small Scale Biomass-Fueled Electric Generating Power Plants. 1995
Low Emission and High Efficiency Residential Pellet-Fired Heaters. 2000
Status Report of the EPA's Air Pollution Prevention and Control Division's Biomass-to-Energy Development and Demonstration Projects. 1996

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