Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 30
Showing: Items 1 - 30

Select Item Title Year Published
A review of environmental impact assessment methodologies / 1974
Chemical composition of drum samples from hazardous waste sites / 1985
Comparison of relative emissions from double mechanical pump seals to other types of pump shaft seals / 1981
Comparison of Relative Emissions from Double Mechanical Pump Seals to other Types of Pump Shaft Seals. 1981
Cumulative effects on landscape systems of wetlands : scientific status, prospects, and regulatory perspectives / 1988
Demonstration of fuel cells to recover energy from landfill gas : Phase III. Demonstration tests, and Phase IV. Guidelines and recommendations / 1998
Demonstration of Fuel Cells to Recover Energy from Landfill Gas. Phase 3. Demonstration Tests and Phase 4. Guidelines and Recommendations. Volume 1. Technical Report. 1998
Demonstration of Fuel Cells to Recover Energy from Landfill Gas. Phase 3. Demonstration Tests and Phase 4. Guidelines and Recommendations. Volume 2. Appendices. 1998
Demonstration of fuel cells to recover energy from landfill gas. Phase II, Pretreatment system performance measurement / 1995
Developing the Scientific Basis for Assessing Cumulative Effects of Wetland Loss and Degradation on Landscape Functions: Status, Perspectives, and Prospects. 1988
Dominant Lethal Effects of Subchronic Acrylamide Administration in the Male Long-Evans Rat. 1986
Drilling practices manual. 1974
Energy Production and Pollution Prevention at Sewage Treatment Plants Using Fuel Cell Power Plants. 1999
Environmental geology of the Austin area : an aid to urban planning / 1976
EPA staff papers presented at the Chesapeake Bay research conference March 1988. 1988
Evaluating Cumulative Effects on Wetland Functions: A Conceptual Overview and Generic Framework. 1988
Evaluation of hazardous wastes emplacement in mined openings / 1975
Indiana's water resources 1951
Operating a fuel cell using landfill gas. 1996
Re-thinking HOV high occupancy vehicle facilities and the public interest / 1994
Research plan for monitoring wetland ecosystems / 1991
Research Plan for Pilot Studies of the Biodiversity Research Consortium. 1993
Sustainable industry : promoting strategic environmental protection in the industrial sector : phase 1 report / 1994
Testing of fuel cells to recover energy from landfill gas Groton Landfill (final report) / 1998
The Bioenvironmental impact of a coal-fired power plant. Colstrip, Montana, December, 1978 / Fourth interim report : 1979
Use of fuel cells on waste methane gas / 1997
Use of Fuel Cells on Waste Methane Gas. 1996
Volatile Emissions from Stabilization/Solidification of Hazardous Waste. 1992
Wetlands research plan FY92-96 : an integrated risk-based approach / 1992
Yield Response Curves of Crops Exposed to SO2 Time Series. 1983

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