Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19

Select Item Title Year Published
A national assessment of landscape change and impacts to aquatic resources : a 10-year research strategy for the landscape sciences program. / 2000
Analysis of Regional Visibility in the Southwest Using Principal Component and Back Trajectory Techniques. 1985
Automated GIS watershed analysis tools for RUSLE/SEDMOD soil erosion and sedimentation modeling / 2005
Big Bend Regional Aerosol and Visibility Observational Study. Final Report. September 2004. 2011
Determination of Soluble Mineral Content Using Electrical Conductivity Measurements. 1997
Empirical Model of Vehicle Emissions. 1993
Energy-related air quality monitoring in the Western energy resource development area / 1978
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program : annual statistical summary report on agroecostystems : an example final draft. 1990
Evaluation of a remote sensor for mobile source CO emissions / 1991
Evaluation of a remote sensor for mobile source CO emissions / 1991
Field methods for locating abandoned wells : a comprehensive summary for fiscal years 1983 through 1987 / 1987
Four corners air monitoring / 1980
Geophysical and soil-gas investigations : Phelps Collins Air National Guard Base Alpena, Michigan / 1987
IMPROVE progress report / 1990
Lake Tahoe visibility study / 1983
Regional analysis of factors affecting visual air quality / 1981
Testing landscape indicators for stream condition related to pesticides and nutrients : landscape indicators for pesticides study for Mid-Atlantic coastal streams (LIPS-MACS) / 2000
Visibility investigative experiment in the West (VIEW) / 1984
Western energy sulfate/nitrate monitoring network progress report / 1979

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