Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 76
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
Air emissions from residential heating : the wood heating option put into environmental perspective / 1998
Airborne asbestos levels in schools / 1983
Analysis of wines for selected toxic chemicals 1986
Assessment of vapor intrusion in homes near the Raymark Superfund site using basement and sub-slab air samples / 2006
Carcinogenic effects of Black Rock Harbor sediment on American oysters and winter flounder / 1987
Cell substrates, their use in the production of vaccines and other biologicals 1979
Chena River, The Study of a Subarctic Stream. 1970
Chloride budget for the Great Lakes : a current assessment / 1981
Chromate Reduction and Remediation Utilizing the Thermodynamic Instability of Zero-Valence State Iron. 1994
Climate change indicators in the United States, 2016 / 2016
Comparison of Ground-Water Sampling Devices Based on Equilibration of Water Quality Indicator Parameters. 1992
Consequences of prolonged inhalation of ozone on Fisher-344/N rats, collaborative studies. 1994
Demonstration of multimetal continuous emission monitors for real-time measurement of trace hazardous metals / 1997
Determination of Henry's law constants of selected priority pollutants / 1987
Determination of Optimal Multiple Uses of a Small Water Resource. 1973
Distribution, Speciation, and Transformation of Chromium in Contaminated Soils and Aquifer Sediments. 1992
DIVERSE: a FORTRAN IV program to calculate diversity indices of stream bottom organisms, 1971
Diverse: A Fortran IV Program to Calculate Diversity Indices of Stream Bottom Organisms. 1971
Effect of an Electric Field on Gas Chromatographic Retentions by Liquid Crystals. 1970
EMAP-estuaries Virginian Province 1990 demonstration project report / 1992
EMAP-Virginian province, four year assessment 1990-1993 / 1999
Emissions of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons from the open burning of household waste in barrels / 1997
Engineering study to explore improvements in vacuum dust collection 1991
Engineering study to explore improvements in vacuum dust collection 1992
EPA's environmental monitoring and assessment program : an ecological status and trends program / 1991
EPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: An Ecological Status and Trends Program. 1991
Evaluation of a four-mode steady-state test with acceleration simulation modes as an alternative inspection and maintenance test for enhanced I/M programs / 1993
Facilitated transport of inorganic contaminants in ground water. Part II, Colloidal transport / 1991
Feasibility of an EPA certification program 1900
Feasibility study of the use of resonance scattering for the remote detection of SO2 / 1974
Field manual for oil spills in cold climates / 1982
Field study of the fate of arensic, lead, and zinc at the ground-water/surface-water interface / 2005
Ground water remediation of chromium using zero-valent iron in a permeable reactive barrier / 1998
Hazard Assessment Research Strategy for Ocean Disposal. 1989
High altitude testing of residential wood-fired combustion equipment / 1981
In Situ Bioremediation of Perchlorate in Groundwater [electronic resource] / 2009
In situ Immobilization and Detoxification of Chromate-Contaminated Ground Water Using Zero-Valent Iron: Field Experiments at the USCG Support Center, Elizabeth City, North Carolina. 1996
Iodine-129 in the environment around a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant / 1972
Iodine-129 in the Environment Around a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant. 1972
Limnology and phytoplankton structure in nearshore areas of Lake Ontario, 1981 / 1985
Location of abandoned wells with geophysical methods / 1985
Location of abandoned wells with geophysical methods / 1984
Mathematical Model for Screening Storm Water Control Alternatives. 1972
McCoy's CAA unraveled. 2009
Metals in Ground Water: Sampling Artifacts and Reproducibility. 1992
Molecular vibrations : the theory of infrared and Raman vibrational spectra / 1955
Particulate Emissions, Plume Rise, and Diffusion from a Tall Stack. Volume 1, Technical Report. 1970
PCDF formation from PCBs under fire conditions / 1984
Photochemical oxidant air pollution effects on a mixed conifer forest ecosystem : final report / 1980
Physical and hydrologic characteristics, the Oregon estuaries / 1988
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