Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
Showing: Items 1 - 31

Select Item Title Year Published
Agricultural insecticide runoff effects on estuarine organisms : correlating laboratory and field toxicity testing with ecotoxicological biomonitoring / 1988
Chemical Characterization and Disposition Studies with 1,2,7,8-Tetrabromodibenzofuran in the Rat. 1994
Chemical characterization of model aerosols / 1976
Contaminants and Drinking-Water Sources in 2001: Recent Findings of the U.S. Geological Survey. 2000
Contaminants and Drinking-Water Sources in 2001: Recent Findings of the U.S. Geological Survey. 2002
Crucial accountability : tools for resolving violated expectations, broken commitments, and bad behavior / 2013
Development of a dredged material acceptability framework for the San Francisco Bay area / 1994
Ecological economics of the oceans and coasts 2008
Educating managers about quality through customer-supplier understanding / 1992
Effects of charged particles on cascade impactor calibrations / 1978
Effects of conditioning agents on emissions form coal-fired boilers / 1979
Effects of Conditioning Agents on Emissions from Coal-fired Boilers: Test Report No. 2. 1979
Evaluation of physical/chemical coal cleaning and flue gas desulfurization / 1979
Feasibility of hydraulic fracturing of soil to improve remedial actions / 1991
Feasibility of hydraulic fracturing of soil to improve remedial actions / 1991
Flue gas conditioning / 1985
Forced-Oxidation Demonstration at the TVA Widows Creek Unit 8 FGD System. 1982
Forced-Oxidation Demonstration at the TVA Widows Creek Unit 8 FGD System. 1982
Function of Chains in the Transfer of Low Grade Heat in Rotary Kilns. 1982
ISO 9000 worldwide quality standard 1995
Nitrification of secondary municipal waste effluents by rotating bio-discs / 1978
Particulate control at high temperature and pressure using augmented granular bed filters / 1980
Performance Evaluation of an Improved Street Sweeper. 1985
Portable Air Compressor Noise. 1974
Soil survey of six agricultural subwatersheds in southwestern Ontario / 1979
Technologies of Delivery or Recovery for the Remediation of Hazardous Waste Sites. 1990
Toxic air pollutant/source crosswalk : a screening tool for locating possible sources emitting toxic air pollutants / 1989
Turbulence in liquids : proceedings of the Third Symposium on Turbulence in Liquids, September 1973, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Missouri--Rolla / 1975
Turbulence in liquids; proceedings, 1972
Validation Study of an Approach for Evaluating the Impact of a Shopping Center on Ambient Carbon Monoxide Concentrations. 1974
Volatile Organic Compound and Particulate Matter Speciation Data Base (for Microcomputers). 1989

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