Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 158
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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Oliver AND D)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A flexible system of enzymatic analysis 1972
A method for the measurement of atmospheric ozone using the absorption of ozone in the visible spectrum / 1954
Air toxics technical assistance for the State of Alaska : final report / 1987
Air toxics technical assistance for the state of Alaska final report / 1987
An integrative approach to prioritizing and restoring aquatic habitat connectivity in a national park setting : the case of Kejimkujik / 2014
An introduction to systematic reviews / 2017
An introduction to systematic reviews / 2012
Analysis and design of settling basins for irrigation return flow 1974
Analysis of Options to Limit Air Quality Degradation Due to Misuse of Leaded Gasoline in Cars Equipped With Catalytic Converters. 1979
Atlas of American agriculture physical basis including land relief, climate, soils, and natural vegetation of the United States / 1936
Automated cryogenic sampling and gas chromatographic analysis of ambient vapor-phase organic compounds : procedures and comparison tests 1985
Basic Steps in Geostatistics: The Variogram and Kriging [electronic resource] / 2015
Best of the books : reflections on recent literature in natural resources and the environment / 2015
Canister-Based Method for Monitoring Toxic VOCs in Ambient Air. 1991
Chemistry of large molecules; 1943
Chlorinated contaminants in surficial sediments of Lakes Huron, St. Clair, and Erie : implications regarding sources along the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers / 1985
Climate and man's environment: an introduction to applied climatology 1973
Coal gasification systems : a guide to status, applications, and economics / 1983
Colorado Fisheries Research Review 1978-1980 1981
Comparison of germanium detectors for neutron activation analysis for mercury / 1975
Comparison of Germanium Detectors for Neutron Activation Analysis for Mercury. 1974
Compendium of mathematics and physics. 1958
Conoco dolomite hot gas cleanup system / 1976
Contemporary statistical models for the plant and soil sciences / 2001
Copper recovery from brass mill discharge by cementation with scrap iron / 1975
Cost evaluation of automated and manual post-consumer plastic bottle sorting systems / 1994
Demonstrating the Effects of Nutrients in Bio-Oxidation Pond Receiving Streams. 1971
Depositional systems in the Woodbine Formation (Upper Cretaceous) Northeast Texas, 1971
Dictionary of genetic engineering 1985
Disinfection/treatment of combined sewer overflows : Syracuse, New York / 1979
Dissolved solids and sodium in water from the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming / 1982
Downstream toward home : a book of rivers / 2014
Economic analysis of phosphate control : detergent phosphate limitations vs. wastewater treatment / 1980
Economic evaluation in the chemical process industries a guide to prudent planning / 1986
Economic impacts of pulp and paper industry compliance with environmental regulations. 1977
Economic Impacts of Pulp and Paper Industry Compliance with Environmental Regulations. Volume I. Summary and Aggregate Industry Impact Analyses. 1977
Economic Impacts of Pulp and Paper Industry Compliance with Environmental Regulations. Volume II. Price and Demand Effects on the Industry's Major Product Sectors. 1977
Encyclopedia of World Climatology [electronic resource] / 2005
Environmental epidemiology 1982
Environmental information systems / 1998
Environmental law stories / 2005
Environmental litigation and the EPA : trends, costs, issues / 2015
Environmental, economic and energy impacts of material recovery facilities : a MITE program evaluation / 1995
EPA Method TO-15 VOCs in Air Collected in SUMMA (Trade Name) Canisters and Analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. 1996
Evaluation of a Sorbent-Based Preconcentrated for Analysis of VOCs in Air Using Gas Chromatography-Atomic Emission Detection. 1992
Evaluation of Commercially-Available Portable Gas Chromatographs. 1992
Evaluation of Portable Gas Chromatographs. 1993
Evaluation of Portable Gas Chromatographs. 1993
Evaluation of various configurations of nafion dryers water removal from air samples prior to gas chromatographic analysis / 1985
Evolution of Dam Policies Evidence from the Big Hydropower States / [electronic resource] : 2014
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