Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Oberacker AND D)

Select Item Title Year Published
Arsen und trinkwasser. Arsenic and drinking water Ein uberblick uber arsenentfernungsverfahren zur trinkwasseraufbereitung und umweltvertr agliche entsorgungsm oglichkeiten der entstehenden arsenbelasteten wasserwerksschl amme = 2003
Arsen und trinkwasser. Arsenic and drinking water Ein uberblick uber vorkommen, verteilung und verhalten von arsen in der umwelt = 2002
Assessing potential effects of incinerating hazardous wastes at sea : using research to answer management questions / 1987
Assessing Potential Effects of Incinerating Hazardous Wastes at Sea: Development and Field-Testing of the Marine Biological Assessment Sampler. 1987
Assessing Potential Effects of Incinerating Organic Wastes at Sea: Development and Field-Testing of the Marine Incineration Biological Assessment Sampler. 1988
Assessing Potential Effects of Incinerating Organic Wastes at Sea: Using Research to Answer Management Questions. 1988
Characteristics of Pilot- and Full-Scale Hazardous Waste Incinerator Ash. 1989
EPA SITE demonstration of the Horsehead Resource Development Company flame reactor technology / 1992
EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency's) Incineration of an Industrial Refinery. Lagoon Sludge Using Infrared Furnace Technology. 1988
Field experience in sampling hazardous waste incinerators / 1984
Hazardous Waste Incinerator Performance Evaluations by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1984
High-temperature vortex incinerator / 1975
Incinerating the Pesticide Ethylene Dibromide (EDB): A Field-Scale Trial Burn Evaluation of Environmental Performance. 1988
Microwave plasma detoxification of hazardous and toxic materials / 1977
National dioxin study tier 4 : combustion sources : final test report : site 8 : black liquor boiler BLB : C / 1987
Overview of conventional and innovative land-based thermal technologies for waste disposal. {microfiche}/ by Oberacker, D.A. 1991
Overview of Hazardous/Toxic Waste Incineration. 1986
Overview of Incineration Performance. 1988
Proceedings of the ASME/EPA (American Society of Mechanical Engineers/Environmental Protection Agency) Hazardous Waste Incineration Conference Held at Williamsburg, Virginia on May 27-29, 1981. 1984
Review of Mobile Thermal Technologies for Solid Waste Destruction. 1990
Technology evaluation report : SITE program demonstration test Horsehead Resource Development Company, Inc. flame reactor technology, Monaca, Pennsylvania / 1992
Test report for the trial burn of dionseb in a pilot-scale incinerator / 1989
Thermal desorption treatment. 1991
Thermal Destruction of Hazardous Waste: A State-of-the-Art Review. 1987
Verwendung und Entsorgung arsenhaltiger Wasserwerksschlamme / 2002

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