Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Nordsieck AND R AND A)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air pollutant emission factor estimates for California motor vehicles, 1967-2000. 1975
Air quality impact of electric cars in Los Angeles : appendix A: pollutant emissions estimates and projections for the South Coast Air Basin / 1974
An approach to the analysis of the ar quality impact of electric vehicles (U) / 1974
Evaluation of a diffusion model for photochemical smog simulation - final report / 1972
Impacts of transportation control strategies on Los Angeles air quality 1973
Morning vehicle-start effects on photochemical smog / 1971
User's guide to diffusion/kinetics (DIFKIN) code : final report / 1973
User's guide to diffusion/kinetics (DIFKIN) code preliminary draft / 1973

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