Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Nichols AND Grady AND B)

Select Item Title Year Published
An Electrostatic precipitator performance model / 1972
Conference on Particulate Collection Problems in Converting to Low Sulfur Coals / 1976
Electrostatic precipitation / 1978
Electrostatic precipitator technology assessment : visits in Japan, November 1977 / 1978
Electrostatic precipitator technology assessment : visits in Japan, November 1977 : appendices / 1978
Evaluation of an electrostatic precipitator for control of emissions from a copper smelter reverberatory furnace / 1980
Evaluation of electrostatic precipitator during SRC combustion tests / 1978
Particulate collection efficiency measurements on three electrostatic precipitators / 1975
Particulate control highlights : Recent developments in Japan / 1979
Particulate control highlights : research on electrostatic precipitator technology / 1977
Preliminary design and initial testing of a mobile electrostatic precipator / 1978
Rapping reentrainment in a near full scale pilot electrostatic precipitator / 1978
Rapping reentrainment study : conducted at the Bull Run Steam Plant, Tennessee Valley Authority / 1975
Techniques for measuring fly ash resistivity / 1974
Test methods and apparatus for conducting resistivity measurements : final report to Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, N.C. / 1977

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