Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 24
Showing: Items 1 - 24
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Nelson AND John AND D)

Select Item Title Year Published
Aerosol and ETS sampling in public facilities and offices / 1988
Beneficial disposal of water purification plant sludges in wastewater treatment / 1978
Congress in action: the Environmental Education Act / 1974
Current practices in phosphorus analysis and removal 1972
Estimates of health risks associated with radionuclide emissions from fossil-fueled steam-electric generating plants / 1995
Evaluation of stream improvement practices in southeastern trout streams 1978
Full-scale carbon adsoption applications study
Linear programming derived optimization strategies for control of SOx from coal-fired power plants / 1977
Metabolism of mercury compounds in microorganisms / 1975
Metabolism of mercury compounds in microorganisms / 1975
Monitoring approaches for assessing quality of high altitude lakes : Colorado Flat Tops Wilderness Area / 1984
Occupational exposure to ionizing radiation in the United States : a comprehensive summary for the year 1975 / 1981
Opioid peptides : medicinal chemistry / 1986
Regression using "hockey stick" functions / 1976
RF pulse spectral measurements in the vicinity of several air traffic control radars / 1974
Science Advisory Board review of EPA's long-range research agenda / 1985
Science Advisory Board's review of the Idaho radionuclide exposure study / 1987
Soil survey, Pine county, Minnesota, 1941
Sources and transport of trace metals in urban aerosols / 1979
Sources and transport of trace metals in urban aerosols / 1979
We shall remain : America through native eyes / 2009
What color is your parachute? for retirement : planning now for the life you want / 2007
Where do I go from here with my life? A very systematic, practical, and effective life/work planning manual for students, instructors, counselors, career seekers and career changers, 1974
Who's who in America. 1900

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