Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 29
Showing: Items 1 - 29
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Nelson AND W AND G)

Select Item Title Year Published
An approach to developing nutrient criteria for Pacific Northwest estuaries : a case study of Yaquina Estuary, Oregon / 2007
Application of 'Real-Time' Monitoring in Decision Making: The New Bedford Harbor Pilot Dredging Project. 1994
Approaches to Identify Exceedances of Water Quality Thresholds Associated with Ocean Conditions. 2010
Bioaccumulation of PCB Congeners by Blue Mussels 'Mitilus edulis' Deployed in New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts. 1993
Bioassessment Methods for Determining the Hazards of Dredged Material Disposal in the Marine Environment. 1991
Comparison of the Physiological Condition of the Blue Mussel, 'Mytilus edulis', After Laboratory and Field Exposure to a Dredged Material. 1987
Condition of estuaries and bays of Hawaii for 2002 : a statistical summary / 2007
Condition of estuaries and bays of Hawaii for 2002 : a statistical summary / 2007
Condition of Estuaries of California for 1999: A Statistical Summary. 2005
Condition of estuaries of the western United States for 1999 : a statistical summary / 2005
Controlling combustion-source emissions at Air Force sites with a new filter concept 1994
Development and Use of Site-Specific Chemical and Biological Criteria for Assessing New Bedford Harbor Pilot Dredging Project. 1991
Development and Validation of Methods for Real-Time Measurement of Pollutant Transport from an Urbanized Estuary. 1991
Ecological condition of the Columbia river estuary: an environmental monitoring and assessment program (EMAP) report. modeling fish distributions in the Pacific Northwest coast range ecoregion using EMAP Data. / 2007
Ecological condition of the estuaries of Oregon and Washington. 2006
Geothermal environmental impact assessment : procedures for using fauna as biological monitors of potential geothermal pollutants / 1978
Methods for evaluating riparian habitats with applications to management / 1987
New Bedford Harbor long-term monitoring assessment report : baseline sampling / 1996
Partitioning of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners in the Seawater of New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts. 1993
Relationships between Accumulation of a 60 kDa Stress Protein and Scope-for-Growth in 'Mytilus edulis' Exposed to a Range of Copper Concentrations. 1991
Reservoir ecosystems and western coal development in the upper Missouri River / 1977
Seagrasses and protective criteria : a review and assessment of research status / 2009
Strategy for research on environmental risks to children / 2000
The condition of tidal wetlands of Washington, Oregon, and California, 2002 / 2007
Tilapia Culture in Heated Effluents: Economic Aspects. 1982
Tilapia Culture in Heated Effluents: Potential for Commercialization in Temperate Climates. 1982
Toxicity of Cadmium in Water and Sediment Slurries to 'Daphnia magna'. 1984
Use of the Blue Mussel, 'Mytilus edulis', in Water Quality Toxicity Testing and In situ Marine Biological Monitoring. 1990
Utilization Patterns of Intertidal Habitats by Birds in Yaquina Estuary, Oregon. 2011

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