Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Neilson AND R AND P)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis and evaluation of a radioactive waste package retrieved from the Atlantic 2800 meter disposal site / 1979
Analysis and Evaluation of a Radioactive Waste Package Retrieved from the Atlantic 2800 Meter Disposal Site. 1979
Analysis and evaluation of a radioactive waste package retrieved from the Atlantic 2800-meter disposal site / 1982
Annual Course of Precipitation Over Much of the United States - Observed versus GCM Simulation. 1990
Climate constraints and issues of scale controlling regional biomass {microfiche} 1990
Continental Scale Biome Responses to Climatic Change. 1991
Development of a Working Set of Waste Package Performance Criteria for Deepsea Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste. 1982
Digital Topographic Approach to Modeling: The Distribution of Precipitation in Mountainous Terrain. 1992
Global Terrestrial Carbon Cycle. 1993
Regional and Local Vegetation Patterns: The Responses of Vegetation to Subcontinental Air Masses. 1990
Sensitivity of Ecological Landscapes and Regions to Global Climatic Change. 1989
Simulating Climate-Biosphere Interactions under Changing Climate Conditions: A Research Plan. 1993
Some Emerging Issues in Watershed Management-Landscape Patterns, Species Conservation, and Climate Change. 1992
Toward a Rule-Based Biome Model (Journal Article). 1992
Toward a Rule-Based Biome Model. 1991

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