Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 46
Showing: Items 1 - 46

Select Item Title Year Published
1989 nonmethane organic compound monitoring program and three-hour air toxics monitoring program / 1990
A dictionary of environmental economics, science, and policy / 2001
Aerobic Metabolism of Trichloroethylene by a Bacterial Isolate. 1986
An approach to developing nutrient criteria for Pacific Northwest estuaries : a case study of Yaquina Estuary, Oregon / 2007
Application of Cluster Analysis to Aerometric Data (Journal Version). 1986
Bioassessment Methods for Determining the Hazards of Dredged Material Disposal in the Marine Environment. 1991
Biodegradation of Trichloroethylene and Involvement of an Aromatic Biodegradative Pathway. 1987
Cellular Effects in Microbial Tester Strains Caused by Exposure to Microwaves or Elevated Temperatures. 1980
Composition of leachates from actual hazardous waste sites / 1987
Composition of leachates from actual hazardous waste sites / 1987
Condition of estuaries and bays of Hawaii for 2002 : a statistical summary / 2007
Condition of estuaries and bays of Hawaii for 2002 : a statistical summary / 2007
Condition of Estuaries of California for 1999: A Statistical Summary. 2005
Condition of estuaries of the western United States for 1999 : a statistical summary / 2005
Development and Validation of Site-Specific Water Quality Criteria for Copper. 1986
Development of analytical techniques for the determination of trace organic materials in water, 1968
Drinking Water Exposure Assessment for Atrazine and Various Chloro-triazine and Hydroxy-triazine Degradates. 2001
Ecological condition of the Columbia river estuary: an environmental monitoring and assessment program (EMAP) report. modeling fish distributions in the Pacific Northwest coast range ecoregion using EMAP Data. / 2007
Ecological condition of the estuaries of Oregon and Washington. 2006
Effect of Trichloroethylene on Male Sexual Behavior: Possible Opioid Role. 1986
Effects of variable hardness, pH, alkalinity, suspended clay, and humics on the chemical speciation and aquatic toxicity of copper 1986
Effluent and ambient toxicity testing and instream community response on the Ottawa River, Lima, Ohio / 1983
Environmental contaminants in wildlife : interpreting tissue concentrations / 1996
Evaluation of site-specific criteria for copper and zinc : an integration of metal addition toxicity, effluent and receiving water toxicity, and ecological survey data. 1986
Federal funding of environmental R & D / 1992
Follow-up of patients receiving diagnostic doses of 131 iodine during childhood / 1978
Health effects division : standard evaluation procedures metabolism in food animals: qualitative nature of residue / 1989
Identification of Polar volatile organic compounds in consumer products and common microenvironments / 1991
In-use light-duty gasoline vehicle particulate matter emissions on the FTP, REPO5 and UC cycles / 1999
Liner Materials Exposed to Hazardous and Toxic Wastes. 1984
Liner Materials Exposed to Toxic and Hazardous Wastes. 1986
Marine environmental assessment of mine waste disposal into Rupert Inlet, British Columbia 1977
Occurrence of Asbestos in Drinking Water. 1985
Pentachlorophenol Toxicity to Amphipods and Fathead Minnows at Different Test pH Values. 1985
Permeability of Polymeric Membrane Lining Materials for Waste Management Facilities. 1985
Permeability of Polymeric Membrane Lining Materials. 1984
Physical methods for microorganisms detection 1991
Proceeding of the 25th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference / 1990
Public lands and private rights : the failure of scientific management / 1995
Pyrographic Characterization of Municipal Waste. 1970
Reregistration Eligibility Science Chapter for Atrazine Environmental Fate and Effects Chapter. 2001
Soil survey of Houston County, Minnesota, 1934
Technical evaluation study solid waste generation and disposal Red River Army Depot, Texarkana, Tx 1974
Technical papers, no. 18-22. 1969
The condition of tidal wetlands of Washington, Oregon, and California, 2002 / 2007
Trichloroethylene Metabolism by Microorganisms That Degrade Aromatic Compounds. 1988

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