Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11
Your Search: (AUTHOR=NCASI AND technical AND bulletin)

Select Item Title Year Published
1968 review of the literature on pulp and paper wastes. 1969
Artificial reaeration of receiving waters. 1969
Effect of oxidized starch dispersing power on turbidity removal from aqueous pigment suspensions by sedimentation and coagulation 1968
Example procedure for evaluation of aerated stabilization basin upgrade alternatives using mathematical modeling techniques. 1982
Factors affecting the appearance of surface waters. 1969
Guide to the determination of biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, suspended and setteable solids, and turbidity of pulp and paper mill effluents. 1969
Results of a cooperative field study of a downflow bubble contactor aerator and a conventional surface aerator. 1970
Review of in-situ and laboratory SOD measurement comparisons. 1982
Technological trends in mill effluent color reduction, dewatered sludge disposal and kraft mill atmospheric emission control. 1969
Treatment of pulp and papermill wastes in publicly owned facilities 1968
Use of aerial photogrammetry and flourescent spectroscopy to evaluate ocean outfall dispersion of kraft effluent. 1969

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