Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 44
Showing: Items 1 - 44
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Murphy AND R)

Select Item Title Year Published
A program for the collection, storage, and analysis of baseline environmental data for Cook Inlet, Alaska, 1969
Achieving sawmill health and safety / 1987
Biological effects of oil pollution--bibliography; a collection of references concerning the effects of oil on biological systems, 1969
Biological effects of oil pollution: bibliography. A collection of references concerning the effects of oil on biological systems, 1969
Biological Treatment of Cyanide Wastes. 1964
Careers in environmental geoscience 1996
Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Program, Rochester, NY. Volume II. Pilot Plant Evaluations. 1979
Compendium of methods for the determination of toxic organic compounds in ambient air / 1988
Conducting a risk assessment of mixtures of disinfection by-products (DBPS) for drinking water treatment systems [electronic resource] . 2000
Continuous biological denitrification of wastewater 1974
Determination of Acute Toxicity (EC50) to Daphnia (48 h, Static). WRS-2390TX. 2005
Effect of waste discharges into a silt-laden estuary: a case study of Cook Inlet, Alaska 1972
Energy consumption of environmental controls : fossil fuel, steam electric generating industry / 1977
Evaluation of biological nitrification-denitrification at Penticton, British Columbia / 1981
Evaluation of TRIM. FaTE : volume I: approach and initial findings / 2002
Evaluation of TRIM.FaTE model comparison focusing on dioxin test case / volume III : 2004
Evaluation of TRIM.FaTE: Volume 2. Model Performance Focusing on Mercury Test Case. 2005
Evaluation of Urban Runoff and Combined Sewer Overflow Mutagenicity. 1984
Fisheries techniques 1996
Health effect assessments of the basic acrylates / 1993
Hydraulic fracturing : legal issues and relevant laws / 2013
Hydraulic fracturing : legal issues and relevant laws / 2013
Hydrology of the alluvium of the Arkansas River, Muskogee, Oklahoma, to Fort Smith, Arkansas / 1966
International Symposium on Water Pollution Control in Cold Climates / 1970
Municipal Water Pollution Control Abstracts: April 1975-March 1976. 1977
Operation & maintenance costs for municipal wastewater facilities : technical report / 1981
Ozone chemistry and technology : a review of the literature, 1961-1974 / 1975
Pilot Monitoring Project for 14 Pesticides in Maryland Surface Waters. 1993
Pilot plant studies of rotating biological contactors treating municipal wastewater 1980
Preliminary Analysis of Hazardous Air Pollutant Emission Inventories from Three Major Urban Areas. 1993
Process Design Manual. Land Application of Sewage Sludge and Domestic Septage. 1995
Quality improvement of feedlot lagoon water by percolation through soil under native pasture. 1974
Quality Improvement of Feedlot Lagoon Water by Percolation Through Soil Under Native Pasture. 1974
Real-Time and Delayed Analysis of Tree and Shrub Cores as Indicators of Subsurface Volatile Organic Compound Contamination, Durham Meadows Superfund Site, Durham, Connecticut, August 29, 2006. 2007
Report on Enhanced Framework (SUSTAIN) and Field Applications for Placement of BMPs in Urban Watersheds. 2011
Second Supplement to Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Toxic Organic Compounds in Ambient Air. 1988
Slanting for combined nuclear weapons effects : fire hazard reduction / 1972
Soil survey of Steele County, North Dakota 1997
Stormwater Management for TMDLs in an Arid Climate: A Case Study Application of SUSTAIN in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2013
Sulfur dioxide concentrations in the twin cities and the influence of a district heating system on urban air quality 1979
Supercritical fluid regeneration of activated carbon used for volatile-organic-compound vapor adsorption / 1982
Surface containment for geothermal brines / 1980
Survey of trichloroethylene emission sources / 1985
Water quality, biological and hydrographic study of the B.K. Roberts canal, Alligator Harbor, Florida. 1983

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