Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 14
Showing: Items 1 - 14
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Mower AND R AND W)

Select Item Title Year Published
An Appraisal of potential ground-water salvage along the Pecos River between Acme and Artesia, New Mexico / 1964
Causes of fluctuations in the rate of discharge of Clear Lake Springs, Millard County, Utah / 1967
Feasibility of ground-water features of the alternate plan for the Mountain Home project, Idaho 1957
Ground-water data : Sevier Desert, Utah / 1964
Ground-water hydrology of the Sevier Desert, Utah / 1968
Hydrologic and climatologic data, 1965, Salt Lake County, Utah 1966
Hydrologic and climatologic data, 1967, Salt Lake County, Utah / 1968
Hydrologic and climatologic data, 1968, Salt Lake County, Utah / 1969
Irrigation of agricultural lands / 1967
Selected hydrologic data : Pavant Valley, Millard County, Utah / 1963
Summary of water resources of Salt Lake County, Utah, 1971
The occurrence of saline ground water near Roswell, Chaves County, New Mexico / 1960
Water resources of Salt Lake County, Utah, 1971
Water resources of the Milford area, Utah : with emphasis on ground water / 1974

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