Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Moschandreas AND Demetrios AND J)

Select Item Title Year Published
Comparison of indoor and outdoor air quality : final report 1981
Economic alternatives to tepee burners for disposal of wood residue in Montana / 1980
Economic Alternatives to Tepee Burners for the Disposal of Wood Residue in Montana. 1980
Evaluation of portable multisorbent air samplers for use with an automated multitube analyzer : project summary / 1993
Indoor air pollution in the residential environment / 1978
Indoor Air Pollution in the Residential Environment. Volume I. Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation. 1978
Indoor-outdoor pollution levels : a bibliography : interim report prepared for Electric Power Research Institute 1979
Radon and aldehyde concentrations in the indoor environment / 1981
Survey of indoor air quality health criteria and standards / 1978
The GEOMET indoor-outdoor air pollution model / 1978
Use of emergency room patient populations in air pollution epidemiology / 1978
Use of emergency room patient populations in air pollution epidemiology / 1978

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