Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1982 edition of Litigation under the Federal Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act 1981
A second look at dioxin : review of the Office of Research and Development's reassessment of dioxin and dioxin-like compounds by the Dioxin Reassessment Review Committee. 1995
A statistical study of coal sulfur variability and related factors / 1980
A statistical study of coal sulfur variability and related factors, documentation for the coal sulfur variability data base and analytical program / 1980
A study of endemic pellagra in some cotton-mill villages of South Carolina, 1929
Advisory on the Agency's "Total Risk Integrated Methodology" (TRIM) / 2000
Air pollutant emission standards and guidelines for municipal waste combustors : economic analysis of materials separation requirement. 1990
Air Pollution Effects of Incinerator Firing Practices and Combustion Air Distribution. 1965
America, Inc.: who owns and operates the United States 1971
An SAB report : assessment of risks from radon in homes / 2000
An SAB report : physical effects review documents for the CAA retrospective benefit-cost analysis. 1995
An SAB report : review of the Risk Assessment Fprum's Draft Guidance Document on showering with VOC Contaminated Tap Water / 1992
An SAB report on EPA's white paper Valuing the benefits of fatal cancer risk reduction / 2000
Analysis of pesticide residues in human and environmental samples : a compilation of methods selected for use in pesticide monitoring programs / 1980
Analysis of pesticide residues in human and environmental samples a compilation of methods selected for use in pesticide monitoring programs / 1982
Analytical reference standards and supplemental data for pesticides and other organic compounds / 1981
Association of particulate matter components with daily mortality and morbidity in urban populations 2000
Bay anchovy / 1989
Biochemistry of quinones. 1965
Biological aspects of air pollution an annotated bibliography, 1950
CASAC findings and recommendations on the scientific basis for a revised NAAQS for carbon monoxide. 1984
Charting a new course : national forests in the southern Appalachians / 1994
Chemical contamination in the human environment / 1979
Chemical fallout; current research on persistent pesticides, 1969
Chemicals controlling insect behavior / 1970
Clean Air Act Compliance Analysis Council (CAACAC) advisory on issues associated with the section 812 retrospective study / 1995
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) meeting March 11-12 1986 to review the 2nd external review draft of the Staff Paper for Lead / 1986
Colorado's ground-water problems Ground water in Colorado / 1959
Comparison of natural and synthetic vitamin A in deficient white mice 1972
Complete speaker's and toastmaster's library / 1965
Control of Silicosis in Vermont Granite Industry. 1957
Critical review of air pollution dose-effect functions : final report / 1976
Critical Review of Air Pollution Dose-Effect Functions. 1976
Delaware ground-water quality 1987
Development of alternative solid waste managemen options with economic and environmental considerations : a mathematical modeling approach / 1998
Difference methods for initial-value problems / 1967
Digital-model projection of saturated thickness and recoverable water in the Ogallala aquifer, Texas County, Oklahoma 1980
Directory of current drought research 1977
Effects of drilling fluids on an experimental seagrass (Thalassia Testudinum) community and potential for bioaccumulation of barium and chromium / 1987
Effects of Short-Term Exposures to Sulfuric Acid and Ammonium Sulfate Aerosols Upon Bronchial Airway Function in the Donkey. 1978
Effects of sulfur oxide pollutants on respiratory function, particle deposition and bronchial clearance / 1981
Effects of Sulfur Oxide Pollutants on Respiratory Function, Particle Deposition and Bronchial Clearance. 1980
Energy efficient compact screw-in fluorescent lamp : final report 1982
Environmental health science : recognition, evaluation, and control of chemical and physical health hazards / 2003
Environmental management : science and politics / 1972
Environmental toxicants : human exposures and their health effects / 1992
Environmental toxicants : human exposures and their health effects / 2000
Environmental toxicants : human exposures and their health effects / 2009
Environmental toxicity of aquatic radionuclides : models and mechanisms / 1976
Estimate of global methane emissions from landfills and open dumps / 1995
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