Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 29
Showing: Items 1 - 29
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Morton AND A AND R)

Select Item Title Year Published
A statistical study of coal sulfur variability and related factors / 1980
A statistical study of coal sulfur variability and related factors, documentation for the coal sulfur variability data base and analytical program / 1980
Air Pollution Effects of Incinerator Firing Practices and Combustion Air Distribution. 1965
Analysis of pesticide residues in human and environmental samples : a compilation of methods selected for use in pesticide monitoring programs / 1980
Analysis of pesticide residues in human and environmental samples a compilation of methods selected for use in pesticide monitoring programs / 1982
Analytical reference standards and supplemental data for pesticides and other organic compounds / 1981
Development of alternative solid waste managemen options with economic and environmental considerations : a mathematical modeling approach / 1998
Directory of current drought research 1977
Estimate of global methane emissions from landfills and open dumps / 1995
Estimate of global methane emissions from landfills and open dumps : project summary / 1995
Estimate of global methane emissions from landills and open dumps / 1995
Estimate of methane emissions from U.S. landfills / 1994
Estimate of methane emissions from U.S. landfills : project summary / 1994
Impact of Drilling Fluids on Seagrasses: An Experimental Community Approach (Journal Version). 1986
Impact of Drilling Fluids on Seagrasses: An Experimental Community Approach. 1985
Implementation plan for Title 40 Code of Federal regulations Parts 280 and 281; final rules for underground storage tanks 1989
Influence of Exercise and Heat Stress on Pulmonary Function during Ozone Exposure. 1976
Life-Cycle Study of Municipal Solid Waste Management : System Description / 1995
Manual of analytical quality control for pesticides and related compounds in human and environmental samples : a compendium of systematic procedures designed to assist in the prevention and control of analytical problems / 1979
Manual of analytical quality control for pesticides and related compounds in human and environmental samples : a compendium of systematic procedures designed to assist in the prevention and control of analytical problems / 1981
Manual of analytical quality control for pesticides and related compounds in human and environmental samples : a compendium of systematic procedures designed to assist in the prevention and control of analytical problems / 1981
Marina water quality models / 1992
Modified Valve Seat for the Static Mercury Drop Electrode. 1984
Natural ground-water recharge from Kiowa Creek : 1961 progress report / 1962
Pollutant Dynamics as Influenced by Seagrass Beds: Experiments with Tributyltin in 'Thalassia' Microcosms. 1990
Pollution prevention assessment for a manufacturer of aircraft landing gear / 1995
Reconnaissance of the water resources of Beaver County, Oklahoma 1973
Tributyltin and Invertebrates of a Seagrass Ecosystem: Exposure and Response of Different Species. 1990
User's guide to diffusion/kinetics (DIFKIN) code : final report / 1973

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