Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 311
Showing: Items 151 - 200

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Select Item Title Year Published
In vitro microbiological mutagenecity and unscheduled DNA synthesis studies of fifteen pesticides / 1985
Indiana's water resources 1951
Influence of natural factors on the quality of midwestern streams and rivers / 2001
Integrated environmental modeling : pollutant transport, fate, and risk in the environment / 2005
Integrated water management international experiences and perspectives / 1990
Integration of Multiple Objectives in Urbanizing Watersheds. 1972
Interaction of ultrasound and biological tissues : proceedings of a workshop held at Battelle Seattle Research Center, Seattle, Washington, November 8-11, 1971 / 1972
Introduction to environmental microbiology / 1974
Investigation of ammonia equipment configurations for supermarket applications : project summary / 1995
January 1992 Kansas water levels and data related to water-level changes 1993
January 1993 Kansas water levels and data related to water-level changes 1994
January 1994 Kansas water levels and data related to water-level changes 1994
Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg's medical microbiology / 2016
Laws governing physical processes in the boundary layer of the Arctic = Zakonomernosti fizicheskikh protsessov pogranichnogo sloia atmosfery v Arktike / 1959
Laws governing the microstructure of temperature and wind in the surface layer of the atmosphere = zakonomernosti mikrostrucktury temperatury i vetra v prizemnom sloe atmosfery / 1961
Leadership development : how to think and communicate as a leader / 2012
Lesser vegetation as indicators of varying moisture regimes in bottomland and swamp forests of Northeastern North Carolina 1977
Living shorelines : the science and management of nature-based coastal protection / 2017
Living Shorelines: The Science and Management of Nature-Based Coastal Protection [Elektronisk resurs]. 2017
Long-Term Performance of 137 Stack Gas Continuous Emission Monitors. 1983
Losing ground 1975
Low Cost Procedure to Make Gaseous Pollutant Audit Materials. 1993
Machine Learning / 1997
Managing transitions : making the most of change / 2016
Marine reconnaissance survey of proposed sites for a small boat harbor in Agat Bay, Guam / 1977
Means to Evaluate Performance of Stationary Source Test Methods. 1974
Measuring Inorganic and Alkyl Lead Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1979
Method for obtaining replicate particulate samples from stationary sources / 1975
Methods of analysis for by-product PCBs : literature review and preliminary recommendations / 1982
Microphysical conditions for the formation and dissipation of fog = Mikrofizicheskie usloviia obrazovaniia i rasseianiia tumana / 1960
Mineral deposits and global tectonic settings / 1981
Model hydrographs / 1972
Modeling the effect of waste discharges in a small mountain stream 1975
Monitoring in Support of the Pacific Northwest Forest Plan: A Report on Requirements and Key Questions. 1995
Multiple chemical sensitivity : a scientific overview / 1995
National performance audit program : acid rain audits - 1988 - / 1990
National performance audit program : ambient air audits of analytical proficiency -- 1985 / 1987
National performance audit program : ambient air audits of analytical proficiency -- 1986 / 1987
National performance audit program : ambient air audits of analytical proficiency -- 1987 / 1989
National performance audit program : ambient air audits of analytical proficiency -- 1988 / 1990
National performance audit program : ambient air audits of analytical proficiency, 1982 / 1984
National performance audit program : ambient air audits of analytical proficiency, 1983 / 1984
National surface water survey : western lake survey (phase I--synoptic chemistry) quality assurance plan / 1987
Natural Resources Outreach Coalition Coordination and Program Delivery. Final Report. 2005
Natural Resources Outreach Coalition: Coordination and Program Delivery. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2004
Nervous system toxicology 1982
Neurotoxicology / 1992
New prospects for the New York City waterfront 1980
Nuclear Cement Content Gage - Instruction Manual. 1975
On the height of the friction level under relief conditions of moderately high mountains = O Vysote Urovnia Treniia V Usloviiakm Srednegornogo Rel'efa / 1960
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