Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 50
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Miller AND Richard)

Select Item Title Year Published
A field guide for rapid assessment of post-wildfire recovery potential in sagebrush and Pinon-Juniper ecosystems in the Great Basin : evaluating resilience to disturbance and resistance to invasive annual grasses and predicting vegetation response / 2015
A field guide to some common ocean sport fishes of California : part 2 / 1961
Action for clean air; a manual for citizen participation in state implementation plan proceedings under the Clean Air Amendments of 1970 1971
An analysis and assessment of US-WMO regional precipitation chemistry measurements (1972-1982) : a subset of the national trends network / 1985
Assessing management effects on Pacific Northwest forest site productivity : an inventory and evaluation of research and operational sites / 2001
Assessment of Crop Loss from Ozone. 1982
Assessment of Maternal Toxicity, Embryotoxicity and Teratogenic Potential of Sodium Chlorite in Sprague-Dawley Rats. 1982
Batch-feeding studies on high-solids activated sludge for treating concentrated human waste 1968
Behavioral Responses of 'Balanus improvisus' Nauplii to Light Intensity and Spectrum. 1979
Biology, ecology, and management of western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) 2005
Concept for postattack nuclear emergency operations 1973
Crop and Forest Losses Due to Current and Projected Emissions from Coal-Fired Power Plants in the Ohio River Basin. 1982
Crustal structure of the Cascadia fore arc of Washington / 2005
Cryogenic sampling of turbine engine exhaust / 1974
Design and Evaluation of an Electronic Radiography System. 1971
Design of a monitoring program for ash pond effluents / 1979
Destruction of dioxin-contaminated solids and liquids by mobile incineration / 1987
Drugged : the science and culture behind psychotropic drugs / 2015
Effects of livestock pasturing on nonpoint surface runoff / 1983
Environmental effects of western coal surface mining. 1980
Extrapolating Photolysis Rates from the Laboratory to the Environment. 1983
Feasibility study of granular activated carbon adsorption and on-site regeneration / 1982
Feasibility study of granular activated carbon adsorption and on-site regeneration / 1982
Feasibility Study of Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption and On-Site Regeneration. Volume 2: Supplemental Figures and Data. 1982
Field investigation of emissions from combustion equipment for space heating / 1973
Forest fertilization : sustaining and improving nutrition and growth of western forests / 1992
Green chemical technology 2004 roadmap / 2004
Groundwater remediation market survey report #288 / by Richard K. Miller and Laura a. Little. 1996
Industrial hygiene handbook for safety specialists 1984
Investigation of ground water contamination near Pavillion, Wyoming / 2011
National Crop Loss Assessment Network (NCLAN) 1981 Annual Report. 1983
National Crop Loss Assessment Network (NCLAN), 1980. 1982
Noise control solutions for the chemical & petroleum industry 1980
Ogallala aquiifer {sic} a symposium. 1970
Photolysis of 3,4-Dichloroaniline in Natural Waters. 1981
Photolysis of 3,4-Dichloroaniline in Natural Waters. 1981
Photoreactivity of Aquatic Pollutants Sorbed on Suspended Sediments. 1979
Photosolvolysis of 3,4-Dichloroaniline in Water: Evidence for an Aryl Cation Intermediate. 1978
Phytoplankton water quality relationships in U.S. lakes / 1978
Probability and statistics for engineers 1990
Remote sensing of coastal aquatic environments : technologies, techniques and applications / 2005
Remote Sensing of Coastal Aquatic Environments Technologies, Techniques and Applications / [electronic resource] : 2005
Secrets of noise control 1976
Selection criteria for mathematical models used in exposure assessments : atmospheric dispersion models. 1993
Simulated effects of salt-mine collapse on ground-water flow and land subsidence in a glacial aquifer system, Livingston County, New York 2001
Susceptibility to respiratory infections of animals exposed to ozone / 1958
Trial burn testing of the EPA-ORD mobile incineration system 1984
Waste minimization assessment for a manufacturer of custom molded plastic products / 1992
Water resources in Pennsylvania availability, quality, and management / 1990
Watershed sensitivity measurement strategy for identifying resources at risk from acidic deposition / 1984

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