Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Miller AND Richard AND J)

Select Item Title Year Published
A field guide to some common ocean sport fishes of California : part 2 / 1961
Assessment of Maternal Toxicity, Embryotoxicity and Teratogenic Potential of Sodium Chlorite in Sprague-Dawley Rats. 1982
Batch-feeding studies on high-solids activated sludge for treating concentrated human waste 1968
Crustal structure of the Cascadia fore arc of Washington / 2005
Design of a monitoring program for ash pond effluents / 1979
Drugged : the science and culture behind psychotropic drugs / 2015
Feasibility study of granular activated carbon adsorption and on-site regeneration / 1982
Feasibility study of granular activated carbon adsorption and on-site regeneration / 1982
Feasibility Study of Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption and On-Site Regeneration. Volume 2: Supplemental Figures and Data. 1982
Photosolvolysis of 3,4-Dichloroaniline in Water: Evidence for an Aryl Cation Intermediate. 1978
Selection criteria for mathematical models used in exposure assessments : atmospheric dispersion models. 1993
Trial burn testing of the EPA-ORD mobile incineration system 1984
Waste minimization assessment for a manufacturer of custom molded plastic products / 1992

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