Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 107
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Miller AND R AND J)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to the selection of materials for monitoring well construction and ground-water sampling / 1984
A guide to the selection of materials for monitoring well construction and ground-water sampling. 1984
Absorption of Lead from Drinking Water with Varying Mineral Content. 1985
Activated carbon treatment of kraft bleaching effluents / 1977
Activated Carbon Treatment of Kraft Bleaching Effluents. 1977
Annual Report on Irrigation Tailwater Management 1975-1976. 1981
Annual Report on Irrigation Tailwater Management 1976-1977. 1981
Applying fabric filtration to refuse-fired boilers : a pilot-scale investigation / 1978
Atmospheric Inputs to the Upper Great Lakes by Dry Deposition Processes. 1976
Atmospheric transport of mercury : exposure commitment and uncertainty calculations 1979
Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki Affects a Beneficial Insect, the Cinnabar Moth (Lepidoptera: Arctidae). 1993
Barium in Teeth as Indicator of Body Burden. 1985
Batch pretreatment process technology for abatement of emissions and conservation of energy in glass melting furnace : Phase I, process design manual / 1981
Batch Pretreatment Process Technology for Abatement of Emissions and Conservation of Energy in Glass Melting Furnaces. Phase I. Process Design Manual. 1981
Biological effects of mining wastes in the Northwest Territories, 1973
Characterization of Chemical Waste Site Contamination and Determination of Its Extent Using Bioassays. 1986
Civil procedure, cases and materials / 1980
Comparative Photobehavior of Laboratory-Hatched and Plankton-Caught 'Balanus Improvisus' (Darwin) Nauplii and the Effects of 24-Hour Starvation. 1981
Compilation of Hydrogeological Data for Southeastern Montana 1977
Crustal structure of the Cascadia fore arc of Washington / 2005
Design of a monitoring program for ash pond effluents / 1979
Development of a Battery-Operated Portable Synchronous Luminescence Spectrofluorometer. 1993
Development of Adrenergic Receptor Binding Sites in Brain Regions of the Neonatal Rat: Effects of Prenatal or Postnatal Exposure to Methylmercury. 1987
Discovery and Elimination of Dioxins from a Carbon Reactivation Process. 1985
Dose Response of Elastase-Induced Emphysema in Hamsters. 1981
Effects of Ammonium Nitrate Aerosol Exposure on Lung Structure of Normal and Elastase-Impaired Rats and Guinea Pigs. 1986
Effects of Ammonium Sulfate Aerosol Exposure on Lung Structure of Normal and Elastase-Impaired Rats and Guinea Pigs. 1984
Effects of Chemically Induced Maternal Toxicity on Prenatal Development in the Rat. 1990
Effects of Inhalation of 0.25 ppm Ozone on the Terminal Bronchioles of Juvenile and Adult Rats. 1988
Effects of Oxidant Air Pollution on Susceptibility of Pine Roots to Fomes annosus. 1980
Effects of Ozone and Water Stress, Separately and in Combination, on Soybean Yield. 1989
Emissions of Organic Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Combustion of Pulverized Coal in a Small-Scale Combustor. 1994
Energy from the West : impact analysis report / 1979
Environmental effects of oil shale mining and processing. 1978
Environmental impacts of the use of Orimulsion (R), report to Congress on phase 1 of the Orimulsion (R) Technology Assessment Program Volume 1, Executive summary, report, and Appendix A / [electronic resource]. 2001
Environmental impacts of the use of orimulsions (trade name). 2001
EPA's Adaptive Controls System Research Program for Pollution Prevention and Clean Technologies. 1995
EPA'S QA Program on the Suppliers of Protocol Gases. 1993
EPA-ORD (Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Research and Development) Mobile Incineration System Trial Burn. 1984
Evaluation of Analytical Methods for the Determination of POHC (Principal Organic Hazardous Constituents) in Combustion Products. 1984
Evaluation of Commercially-Available Portable Gas Chromatographs. 1992
Evaluation of Portable Gas Chromatographs. 1993
Evaluation of Portable Gas Chromatographs. 1993
Experiences in Operating a Full-Scale Granular Activated-Carbon System with On-Site Reactivation. 1983
Field Screening of Polycyclic Hydrocarbon Contamination in Soil Using a Portable Synchronous Scanning Spectrofluorometer. 1995
GIS-Based Hydrologic Modeling: The Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment Tool. 2003
Growth of cotton under chronic ozone stress at two levels of soil moisture / 1988
Hazard Assessment Using an Integrated Physiologically-Based Dosimetry Modeling Approach: Ozone. 1987
Influence of Breathing Mode and Activity Level on the Regional Deposition of Inhaled Particles and Implications for Regulatory Standards (March 1986). 1986
Influence of Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide on Hepatic Microsomal Enzymes in Mice. 1982
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