Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1054
Showing: Items 351 - 400

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Select Item Title Year Published
Environmental Protection Agency Civil Enforcement Docket. 1994
Environmental Protection Agency Civil Enforcement Docket. 1993
Environmental Protection Agency Civil Enforcement Docket. 1990
Environmental site assessments and their impact on property value the appraiser's role / 1995
Environmental Technology Verification: Verification Testing of Emissions from the Combustion of A-55 (Trade Name) Clean Fuels in a Firetube Boiler. 1998
Environmental toxicity of aquatic radionuclides : models and mechanisms / 1976
Environmental/Chemical Thesaurus. 1978
EPA's Adaptive Controls System Research Program for Pollution Prevention and Clean Technologies. 1995
EPA'S QA Program on the Suppliers of Protocol Gases. 1993
EPA's Study of the Generation and Control of Air Pollutants from the Combustion of Orimulsion(Trade Name). 2001
EPA-ORD (Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Research and Development) Mobile Incineration System Trial Burn. 1984
Ephemeral streams--hydraulic factors and their relation to the drainage net / 1956
Estimates of ionizing radiation doses in the United States : 1960-2000 / 1972
Estradiol Alters the Effectiveness of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) in Ovine Pituitary Cultures: GnRH Receptors versus Responsiveness to GnRH. 1990
Evaluated methodology for the analysis of residual wastes : volume II / 1980
Evaluating the Toxicity of Urban Patterns of Oxidant Gases. 1. An Automated Chronic Gaseous Animal Inhalation Exposure Facility. 1987
Evaluating the Toxicity of Urban Patterns of Oxidant Gases. 2. Effects in Mice from Chronic Exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide. 1987
Evaluating various adsorbents and membranes for removing radium from groundwater / 1988
Evaluation of a Novel Electrophoretic Separation Method to Remove Pyritic Sulfur from Coal. 1974
Evaluation of an EPA high-volume air sampler for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans. 1986
Evaluation of an EPA high-volume air sampler for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans. 1986
Evaluation of Analytical Methods for the Determination of POHC (Principal Organic Hazardous Constituents) in Combustion Products. 1984
Evaluation of Commercially-Available Portable Gas Chromatographs. 1992
Evaluation of emissions from combustion of Orimulsion / 1999
Evaluation of Methods to Measure the Acute Toxicity of Sewage Sludge. 1985
Evaluation of Portable Gas Chromatographs. 1993
Evaluation of Portable Gas Chromatographs. 1993
Evaluation of seasonal-cold-water temperature criteria / 1999
Evaluation of the SPOT satellite messenger / 2008
Evaluation of ultrafiltration to recover aqueous iron phosphating/degreasing bath / 1993
Evaluation of ultrafiltration to recover aqueous iron phosphating/degreasing bath : project summary / 1993
Evolution : fossils, genes, and mousetraps. 2007
Experiences in Operating a Full-Scale Granular Activated-Carbon System with On-Site Reactivation. 1983
Experimental Investigation of Hydraulic Transients in River-Reservoir Systems - Phase III. 1971
Experiments in consilience : integrating social and scientific responses to save endangered species / 2003
Expert system technology 1993
Exploratory study of factors affecting aerosol formation / 1975
Exploring the atmosphere, 1963
Exposure assessment modeling : a state-of-the-art review / 1978
Expression of the recA Gene of 'Pseudomonas aeruginosa' PAO Is Inducible by DNA-Damaging Agents. 1988
Extrapolating Photolysis Rates from the Laboratory to the Environment. 1983
Extrapolation modeling : advancements and research issues in lung dosimetry / 1989
Extrapulmonary Effects of NO2 as Reflected by Pentobarbital-Induced Sleeping Time in Mice. 1980
Extreme government makeover : increasing our capacity to do more good / 2014
Factors Determining Degree of Inflation in Intratracheally Fixed Rat Lungs. 1980
Fat of the land : garbage in New York : the last two hundred years / 2000
Feasibility of Developing Source Sampling Methods for Asbestos Emissions. 1982
Feasibility study of granular activated carbon adsorption and on-site regeneration / 1982
Feasibility study of granular activated carbon adsorption and on-site regeneration / 1982
Feasibility Study of Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption and On-Site Regeneration. Volume 2: Supplemental Figures and Data. 1982
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