Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 66
Showing: Items 51 - 66

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Select Item Title Year Published
Residual Monomers in Acrylic and Modacrylic Fibers and Fabrics. 1979
River basin surveys papers, 33-38 / 1964
Sampling and analysis for high-molecular-weight polar organic compounds / 1986
Sampling and analysis for high-molecular-weight polar organic compounds / 1987
Simplified volatile organics sampler / 1986
Solid Waste: Methodology for Evaluation. Volume II: Analysis of Residual Wastes. 1980
Structural and stratigraphic framework, and spatial distribution of permeability of the Atlantic coastal plain, North Carolina to New York / 1972
Trace element effects of energy conversion facilities : a phase one final report to the Old West Regional Commission / 1977
Trapping of Small Organisms Moving Randomly Principles and Applications to Pest Monitoring and Management / [electronic resource] : 2015
Water atlas of the United States 1973
Water atlas of the United States : basic facts about the Nation's water resources / 1963
Water atlas of the United States; basic facts about the Nation's water resources 1962
Water Resources Scoping Report for Theodore Roosevelt National Park 1998
Weeds of the Southern United States. 1979
Winter currents in Lake Huron / 1976
Winter Currents in Lake Huron. 1976
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