Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Meyers AND S)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A review of selected United States environmental education programs at the university level : a revised report on services for the United States International Environmental Referral Center, 1976-1979 / 1979
A statement of concerns and suggested ecological research / 1975
Applicability of organic solids to the development of new techniques for removing oxides of sulfur from flue gases 1969
Applicability of organic solids to the development of new techniques for removing oxides of sulfur from flue gases 1968
Applicability of the Meyers process for chemical desulfurization of coal / 1974
Application of the Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach to Urban Areas. Volume 3. Philadelphia. 1985
Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Coastal Estuaries and their Watersheds. 2001
Bench scale development of Meyers process for coal desulfurization / 1979
Bioaccumulation and Histopathological Effects of Oil on a Stony Coral. 1981
Biota and habitat management technical advisory committee report, Lower Green Bay remedial action plan 1987
Changes in Mallard Hen and Brood Behaviors in Response to Methyl Parathion-Induced Illness of Ducklings. 1988
Chitin Transformation and Pesticide Interactions in a Simulated Aquatic Microenvironmental System. 1981
Coal desulfurization 1977
Coal handbook 1981
Coal structure 1982
Comparative Response of Nestling European Starlings and Red-Winged Blackbirds to an Oral Administration of Either Dimethoate or Chlorpyrifos. 1992
Comparative Toxicity of Azinphos-Methyl to House Mice, Laboratory Mice, Deer Mice, and Gray-Tailed Voles. 1994
Contribution of Fungi to Biodegradation of 'Spartina' and Other Brackish Marshland Vegetation. 1972
Contribution of fungi to biodegradation of Spartina and other brackish marshland vegetation / 1974
Determination of the environmental impact of several substitute chemicals in agriculturally affected wetlands / 1982
Determination of the environmental impact of several substitute chemicals in agriculturally affected wetlands / 1982
DRI, dietary reference intakes : the essential guide to nutrient requirements / 2006
Ecosystem process modeling of submerged aquatic vegetation in the lower Chesapeake Bay / 1994
Effect of Adult Mallard Age on Avian Reproductive Tests. 1986
Effects of land use on water quality : Summit Creek, Smithfield, Utah 1972
Effects of Methyl Parathion on Red-Winged Blackbird ('Agelaius phoeniceus') Incubation Behavior and Nesting Success. 1990
Effects of Northern Bobwhite ('Colinus virginianus') Age and Weight on Results of the Avian Dietary Toxicity Test. 1990
Electronic Absorption Spectra of Inorganic and Organic Compounds of Nitrogen. II. Butyl and Amyl Nitrites. 1957
Electronic Absorption Spectra of Inorganic and Organic Compounds of Nitrogen: I. Nitrogen Dioxide-Dinitrogen Tetroxide in Solution. 1957
Encyclopedia of environmental analysis and remediation / 1998
Encyclopedia of environmental pollution and cleanup / 1999
Encyclopedia of physical science and technology / 2002
Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology [electronic resource] / 2012
Energy consumption and structure of the U.S. residential sector : changes between 1970 and 1984 1986
Energy use in the service sector : an international perspective 1985
Environmental regulations and technology : the national pretreatment program. 1986
Extreme Environmental Events Complexity in Forecasting and Early Warning / [electronic resource] : 2011
Feather River and delta diversion projects : Investigation of alternative aqueduct systems to serve southern California : Appendix D: Economic demand for imported water. 1960
Flora of Oregon. Volume 1, Pteridophytes, gymnosperms, and monocots / 2015
Genomics and genetics : from molecular details to analysis and techniques / 2007
Goals of the Federal Solid Waste Management program / 1976
Greenhouse gas mitigation technologies and measures in developing and transition countries. 1997
Handbook of chemicals production processes 1986
Handbook of petroleum refining processes / 2003
Handbook of petroleum refining processes / 2016
Handbook of petroleum refining processes. 1997
Handbook of petroleum refining processes. 2004
Handbook of synfuels technology 1984
Hepatocarcinogenicity of Benzo(a)Pyrene to Rainbow Trout By Dietary Exposure and Intraperitoneal Injection. 1985
Higher level consumer interactions : chapter 4 / 1981
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