Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (AUTHOR=McGauhey AND P AND H)

Select Item Title Year Published
American composting concepts / 1971
American composting concepts / 1972
Comprehensive studies of solid waste management : first and second annual reports / 1970
Comprehensive studies of solid wastes management : first annual report / 1967
Comprehensive study on protection of water resources of Lake Tahoe Basin through controlled waste disposal / 1963
Economic evaluation of water / 1960
Engineering management of water quality 1968
Eutrophication of surface waters : Lake Tahoe / 1972
Eutrophication of surface waters : Lake Tahoe Indian Creek Reservoir / 1971
Eutrophication of surface waters : Lake Tahoe's Indian Creek Reservoir / 1975
Eutrophication of surface waters--Lake Tahoe, pilot pond and field studies : third progress report / 1970
Evaluation of improved-type detergents, 1964
Management of hydrologic systems for water quality control / 1967

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