Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 78
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Matanoski AND Genevieve)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A second look at dioxin : review of the Office of Research and Development's reassessment of dioxin and dioxin-like compounds by the Dioxin Reassessment Review Committee. 1995
Advisory by the Science Advisory Board (SAB) Drinking Water Committee (DWC) concerning EPA's proposed drinking water distribution system research project. 1996
Advisory by the Science Advisory Board (SAB) Drinking Water Committee (DWC) concerning the health significance of HPC bacteria eluted from POU/POE (point of use/point of entry) drinking water treatment devices. 1996
Advisory by the Science Advisory Board's Drinking Water Committee concerning EPA's five-year research plan on disinfection/disinfectant byproducts (D/DBP) / 1995
Advisory on EPA's assessments of carcinogenic effects of organic and inorganic arsenic : a report of the US EPA Science Advisory Board / 2007
Advisory on the development of a national wildlife criteria program / 1994
Advisory on the development of phase II of the index of watershed indicators. 1997
Advisory on the need to develop ecological risk management guidelines. 1997
Advisory on the problem formulation phase of EPA's watershed ecological risk assessment case studies. 1997
Advisory report on the science and research budgets for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for Fiscal Year 2005 : a report by the EPA Science Advisory Board / 2004
An SAB report : a retrospective review of SAB/RAC activities : a self-initiated review and analysis of the reviews conducted during the first decade of operation of the radiation advisory committee (1985-1994) in service to the environmental protection agency. 1995
An SAB report : guidelines for cancer risk assessment, review of the Office of Research and Development's Draft Guidelines for Cancer Risk Assessment / 1997
An SAB report : improving the Use Cluster Scoring System. 1995
An SAB report : recommendations on the 1996 Scientific and Technological Achievement Award (STAA) nominations / 1997
An SAB report : review of a methodology for establishing human health and ecologically based exit criteria for the hazardous waste identification rule (HWIR) / 1996
An SAB report : review of diffuse NORM draft scoping document / 1994
An SAB report : review of environmental goals for America. 1997
An SAB report : review of EPA's Composite Model for leachate Migration with Transformation Products - EPACMTP. 1995
An SAB report : review of radionuclide cleanup levels for soil / 1995
An SAB report : review of the acid deposition standard feasibility study report to Congress / 1995
An SAB report : review of the Agency's approach for developing sediment criteria for five metals / 1995
An SAB report : review of the agency's draft ecological risk assessment guidelines / 1997
An SAB report : review of the Midwest Agrichemical Surface/Subsurface Transport and Effects Research (MASTER) program / 1994
An SAB report : review of the research plan for microbial pathogens and disinfection byproducts in drinking water. 1997
An SAB report : review of the strategic plan for the terrestrial elements of EPA's global climate change research program / 1994
An SAB report : the cumulative exposure project / 1996
An SAB report : verification of CEMS for HAPS. 1995
An SAB report : verification strategies for EnTICE. 1995
An SAB report: review of the EPA Draft Mercury Study Report to Congress : review of the EPA's Mercury Report to Congress by the Mercury Review Subcommittee / 1997
Commentary on appropriateness of SAB reviews of computer environmental transport and fate models developed for regulatory decisionmaking. 1995
Commentary on SAB completing peer reviews / 1995
Commentary on the question of Agency benchmark values for ecological toxicology. 1997
Consultation on environmental indicators for radon and associated activities / 1996
Draft "Addendum to the methodology for assessing health risks associated with indirect exposure to combustor emissions" / 1994
EPA's draft technology innovation strategy / 1995
Epidemiology studies : task I - phase I : pilot study of cancer mortality near an arsenical pesticide plant in Baltimore / 1976
Evaluation of Superfund ecotox threshold benchmark values for water and sediment. 1997
First report from the Science Advisory Board (SAB) Lookout Panel : focus on water issues. 1996
Lung cancer/mortality in proximity to a pesticide plant / 1980
Mortality of workers in the styrene-butadiene rubber polymer manufacturing industry final report / 1982
Notification of a consultation on a proposal for an ecosystem index site network under the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program / 1995
Notification of a consultation on bioaccumulation issues / 1994
Notification of a consultation on conceptual plan for an integrated ecosystem protection research program / 1994
Notification of a consultation on ecological/economic modeling and ecosystems valuation / 1995
Notification of a consultation on EPA-ILSI cooperative projects in risk assessment / 1995
Notification of a consultation on national saltwater dissolved oxygen criteria / 1994
Notification of a consultation on phase two of the Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation's cumulative exposure model / 1996
Notification of a consultation on soil screening levels / 1994
Notification of a consultation on the development of a sediment quality criterion for PAH mixtures / 1997
Notification of a consultation on the development of a strategy for addressing indoor air issues. 1997
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