Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 32
Showing: Items 1 - 32
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Mason AND W)

Select Item Title Year Published
Accuracy in measurements and calibrations, 1965. 1965
Adipic Acid Enhanced Flue Gas Desulfurization Process for Industrial Boilers. Volume 1. Field Test Results. 1982
Adipic Acid Enhanced Flue Gas Desulfurization Process for Industrial Boilers: Volume 1. Field Test Results Project Summary. 1983
Assessment of mutagenic potential of mixtures of organic substances in renovated water / 1981
Bioassay Procedures for Predicting Coliform Bacterial Growth in Drinking Water. 1990
Chemical industry environmental baseline report 1990-1994 : final draft / 1997
Control techniques for nitrogen oxides emissions from stationary sources. 1978
Design Modifications to the Source Assessment Sampling System. 1981
Development of a portable device to collect sulfuric acid aerosol : final report / 1980
Development of a portable device to collect sulfuric acid aerosol : second interim report / 1978
Effects of Physicochemical Factors and Bacterial Colony Morphotype on Association of 'Vibrio vulnificus' with Hemocytes of 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1993
Emission Characterization of Major Fossil Fuel Power Plants in the Ohio River Valley. 1983
Environmental problems : principles, readings, and comments 1979
Evaluation of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Biomass Methodology. Part 1. Laboratory Analytical Methods. 1983
Evaluation of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Biomass Methodology. Part 2. Field Assessment and Data Evaluation. 1985
Evaluation of the autoanalysis colilert test, coliquick coliform test and EC medium with MUG for detection of escherichia coli in water / 1992
Fixation of soils at the United Chrome NPL : assessment of data from bench and pilot scale studies / 1989
Gaseous emissions from a caterpillar 3176 (with EGR) using a matrix of diesel fuels (Phase 2) : final report / 1999
Ground-water map of the Coventry Center Quadrangle, Rhode Island : showing water-bearing formations and related ground-water data / 1960
Laboratory investigation of residual liquid organics from spills, leaks, and the disposal of hazardous wastes in groundwater / 1990
Methods for evaluating riparian habitats with applications to management / 1987
Nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity : proceedings of the International Nitrogen Initiative Workshop, linking experts of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and the Convention on Biological Diversity / 2014
Nitrogen Deposition, Critical Loads and Biodiversity [electronic resource] / 2014
Processing equipment for resource recovery systems. 1980
Recommendations for the National Surface Water Monitoring Program : report two / 1980
Research on fish and wildlife habitat / 1982
Selected Microcomputer Programs for Water Quality Assessments (Experimental). Documentation. 1984
Soil sampling quality assurance user's guide / 1989
Soil sampling quality assurance user's guide : second edition / 1989
Solar System Update [electronic resource] / 2006
Status of EPA's Bioresponse-Based Testing Program. 1994
U.S. cancer mortality by county, 1950-1969 1974

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