Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Martin AND G AND Blair)

Select Item Title Year Published
Advanced Combustion Modification. 1982
Control technology for stationary source NOx / 1977
Design criteria for stationary source catalytic combustion systems / 1979
Development of a core combustion research program plan for EPA / 1992
Development of a core combustion research program plan for EPA : project summary. 1992
EPA LIMB development and demonstration program status report (April 1985) / 1987
Fundamentals studies of sorbent calcination and sulfation for SO2 control from coal-fired boilers / 1985
Laboratory studies and mathematical modeling of NOx formation in combustion processes : final report / 1971
Low NOx combustion systems with SO2 control using limestone / 1983
Nitric oxide formation in combustion processes with strong recirculation / 1973
Package boiler flame modifications for reducing nitric oxide emissions : phase II of III / 1974
Proceedings: Third Workshop on Catalytic Combustion : Asheville, NC, October 1978 / 1979
Reactions of Fuel Nitrogen Compounds under Conditions of Inert Pyrolysis. 1977
Systems study of conventional combustion sources in the iron and steel industry / 1973
Systems study of conventional combustion sources in the primary aluminum industry / 1973

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