Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 279
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Marshall)

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Select Item Title Year Published
10 minute guide to motivating people 1997
A reef manager's guide to coral bleaching / 2006
A regional assessment of the economic and environmental benefits of an irrigation scheduling service / 1980
A Review of the Scientific Literature As It Pertains to Gulf War Illnesses. 1998
A Survey of household hazardous wastes and related collection programs. 1986
A survey of the snook fishery of Florida, with studies of the biology of the principal species, Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch). 1958
Adsorption of microorganisms to surfaces 1980
Advances in ephemeroptera biology 1980
Agricultural chemicals manufacture, 1971. 1971
Air we live in; air pollution: what we must do about it. 1969
Alcohols, polyols, and phenols; manufacture and derivatives. 1968
Allocative and distributive effects of alternative air quality attainment policies : final report / 1974
An approach to ecological assessment of power-plant-intake (316b) related issues : the Prairie Island case / 1981
An assessment of Region VIII lakes and reservoirs in support of the 1976 305 (b) water quality inventory / 1976
An assessment of Region VIII lakes and reservoirs in support of the 1976-305(b) water quality inventory / 1976
Analysis of cost sharing programs for pollution abatement of municipal wastewater / 1974
Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Invertebrate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume III. General Soil Treatments. 1977
Analysis of the Bethlehem Steel Complex at Sparrows Point, Maryland and its impact on model validation efforts / 1982
Application of membrane technology to power generation waters / 1980
Aromatic hydrocarbons : manufacture and technology 1976
Aspects of marine zoology, 1967
Assessing change in the Edisto River Basin : an ecological characterization / 1993
Assessing chemical releases and worker exposures from a filter press / 1989
Assessing Chemical Releases and Worker Exposures from a Filter Press. 1989
Assessment and evaluation of the ecological health of fish populations exposed to PCBs in Hartwell Reservoir / 1991
Assessment of phytoplankton species in the Delaware River estuary 1992
Assistant laboratory animal technician 1989
Association of Microorganisms with Surfaces in Distribution Systems. 1991
Automotive pollution control catalysts and devices 1977
Balancing acts : community-based forest management and national law in Asia and the Pacific / 1995
Best practices in talent management : how the world's leading corporations manage, develop, and retain top talent / 2010
Bioaccumulation and effects of cadmium and zinc in a Lake Michigan plankton community 1981
Bioassay of captan for possible carcinogenicity / prepared at Tracor Jitco, Marshall Steinberg, director. 1977
Bioassay of dapsone for possible carcinogenicity / 1977
Bioassay of photodieldrin for possible carcinogenicity / 1977
Biocontrol of medical and veterinary pests 1981
Biodiversity of the southeastern United States : aquatic communities / 1992
Biofilms 1990
Biological indicators of aquatic ecosystem stress 2002
Biological indicators of aquatic ecosystem stress 2002
Biological indicators of stress in fish / 1990
Biology of a marine copepod 1972
Biology of fishes / 1982
Birds of Oregon : a general reference / 2003
BOF steelmaking / 1977
Building green infrastucture : land conservation as a watershed protection strategy / 1999
Capture-and-containment systems for hazardous material spills on land / 1984
Capture-and-containment systems for hazardous material spills on land / 1984
Capture-and-containment systems for hazardous material spills on land {MICROFICHE} 1984
Case studies low-VOC/HAP wood furniture coatings / [electronic resource] : 2000
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