Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19

Select Item Title Year Published
Coccidian Parasites (Apicomplexa: Eucoccidorida) in Hardy Head Fish, 'Atherinomorus capricornensis' (Woodland). 1989
Comparison of Chlordimeform and Carbaryl Using a Functional Observational Battery (Journal Version). 1988
Direct and Residual Effects of Cadmium on the Growth and Elemental Composition of 'Arabidopsis thaliana'. 1986
Ecological exposure and effects of airborne toxic chemicals : an overview / 1991
Effect of riparian areas on the ecological condition of small, perennial streams in agricultural landscapes of the Willamette Valley {Microfiche} 1997
Handbook for sampling and sample preservation of water and wastewater / 1976
Impact of O3 on Leaf Construction Cost and Carbon Isotope Discrimination. 1994
Interlaboratory Comparison of Motor Activity Experiments: Implications for Neurotoxicological Assessments. 1991
Long-Range Atmospheric Transport and Deposition of Anthropogenic Contaminants and Their Potential Effects on Terrestrial Ecosystems. 1991
Manual for the control of hazardous material spills : volume one, spill assessment and water treatment techniques / 1977
Manual for the control of hazardous material spills. Volume one : Spill assessment and water treatment techniques / 1977
Methods for multi-spatial scale characterization of riparian corridors / 2000
MULTIMAX: An Air Dispersion Modeling Program for Multiple Sources, Receptors, and Concentration Averages. 1979
Ozone Alters the Concentrations of Nutrients in Bean Tissue. 1986
Plant Cultural System for Monitoring Evapotranspiration and Physiological Responses under Field Conditions. 1987
Screening/Flotation treatment of combined sewer overflows : Volume II : full-scale operation Racine, Wisconsin / 1979
Screening/Flotation Treatment of Combined Sewer Overflows. Volume II: Full-Scale Operation, Racine, Wisconsin. Appendices. 1979
Top-feed vacuum filtration of waste-activated sludge / 1982
Top-Feed Vacuum Filtration of Waste-Activated Sludge. 1982

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