Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10

Select Item Title Year Published
Channel classification, prediction of channel response, and assessment of channel condition / 1993
Growing a revolution : bringing our soil back to life / 2017
Hydrological applications of GIS / 1999
King of fish : the thousand-year run of salmon / 2003
Market systems for the control of air pollution. 1971
National annual industrial sulfur dioxide emission trends 1995-2015 : report to Congress. 1995
Oil prices, energy security, and import policy 1982
Restoration of Puget Sound rivers 2003
The hidden half of nature : the microbial roots of life and health / 2016
Use of phylogentically based hybridization probes for studies of rumen microbial ecology / 1988

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