Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Ambient air audits of analytical proficiency 0
Amygdaloid Kindling Increases Enkephalin-Like Immunoreactivity but Decreases Dynorphin-A-Like Immunoreactivity in Rat Hippocampus. 1986
Analysis of ecological systems / 1979
Analytical protocols for making a preliminary assessment of halogenated organic compounds in man and environmental media / 1979
Angular flow insensitive pitot tube suitable for use with standard stack testing equipment / 1979
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Eatons Neck disposal site, Long Island Sound : an environmental inventory / 1978
Assessment of barrier containment technologies : a comprehensive treatment for environmental remediation applications / 1995
Calculation of the diurnal variation of short-wave radiation on clear days = K raschetu sutochnogo khoda korotkovolnovoei radiatsii v iasnye dni / 1960
Carcinogenic potential of coal and coal conversion products, 1975
Chemical and Physical Characterization of Automotive Exhaust Particulate Matter in the Atmosphere 1973
Chemical and physical characterization of automotive exhaust particulate matter in the atmosphere : (year ending June 30, 1973) / 1973
Chemical and Physical Characterization of Automotive Exhaust Particulate Matter in the Atmosphere. 1974
Comparison of Grob closed-loop-stripping analysis (clsa) to other trace organic methods / 1981
Computational methods in partial differential equations / 1969
Demonstration of the "CABOS" wastewater treatment system for vessels (1975-77) a development and demonstration project / 1977
Determination of chlorinated hydrocarbons in industrial and municipal wastewaters / 1985
Determination of phenols in industrial and municipal wastewaters / 1985
Determination of phenols in industrial and municipal wastewaters / 1985
Determination of the Calorific Value of Refuse-Derived-Fuels by Large-Bomb Calorimetry Summary of the 1978 Fiscal Year Results. 1980
Development of a large sample collector of respirable particulate matter / 1978
Earth structures engineering / 1983
Emission Factors for the Disposal of Energetic Materials by Open Burning and Open Detonation (OB/OD). 1998
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : brominated chemicals / 1978
Environmental monitoring near industrial sites : polychloronaphthalenes / 1977
EPA'S QA Program on the Suppliers of Protocol Gases. 1993
Evaluation of a Personal Nephelometer for Human Exposure Monitoring. 2000
Fabrication, optimization, and evaluation of a massive volume air sampler of sized respirable particulate matter / 1978
Feasibility of plastic foam plugs for sealing leaking chemical containers / 1973
Formulation of a preliminary assessment of halogenated organic compounds in man and environmental media / 1979
Framework for the application of benefit-cost analyses to the assessment of industrial organic chemicals including pestcides 1988
History of whaling in and near North Carolina 1988
Homogenizing Sludge Produces Unexpected Mercury Results. 1979
Hydrologic data for urban studies in the Austin, Texas Metropolitan area, 1977 ; prepared in cooperation with the City of Austin and the Texas Department of Water Resources. 1977
Impact of Wet-Weather Peak Flow Blending on Disinfection and Treatment: A Case Study at Three Wastewater Treatment Plants. 2010
Implementation strategy for The Galveston Bay plan. 1994
Improved Procedure for Determining Mercury Emissions from Mercury Cell Chlor-Alkali Plants. 1976
Improving the Environmental Safety of Munitions Disposal by OB and OD. 1997
Integration of Multiple Objectives in Urbanizing Watersheds. 1972
Interaction of ultrasound and biological tissues : proceedings of a workshop held at Battelle Seattle Research Center, Seattle, Washington, November 8-11, 1971 / 1972
Low Cost Procedure to Make Gaseous Pollutant Audit Materials. 1993
Modeling the effect of waste discharges in a small mountain stream 1975
National performance audit program : ambient air audits of analytical proficiency -- 1985 / 1987
National performance audit program : ambient air audits of analytical proficiency -- 1987 / 1989
National performance audit program : ambient air audits of analytical proficiency, 1982 / 1984
National performance audit program : ambient air audits of analytical proficiency, 1983 / 1984
Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake Acidification in the Adirondack Mountains, N. Y. 1990
PCB residue levels in human adipose tissue : a statistical evaluation by racial grouping / 1980
Polychlorinated dibenzofurans : criteria for their effects on humans and the environment / 1984
Post "IBT" assessment of critical laboratory studies on the mammalian and avian toxicology of fenitrothion / 1984
Preparation and Evaluation of Representative Compounds in Small High Pressure Cylinders for Use as Audit Materials. 1994
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