Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 29
Showing: Items 1 - 29

Select Item Title Year Published
ASR in Wisconsin using the Cambrian-Ordovician aquifer 2001
Assessment of fish community structure in and near site 104 : final report / 1998
Batch pretreatment process technology for abatement of emissions and conservation of energy in glass melting furnaces : phase IIA, process design manual / 1985
Batch Pretreatment Process Technology for Abatement of Emissions and Conservation of Energy in Glass Melting Furnaces: Phase IIA. Process Design Manual. 1985
Characterization of Chemical Waste Site Contamination and Determination of Its Extent Using Bioassays. 1986
Chemistry and mode of action of insecticides : phase II / 1983
Chemistry and mode of action of insecticides : phase II / 1983
Chromite in the United State exclusive of Alaska and Hawaii / 1962
Crop and Forest Losses Due to Current and Projected Emissions from Coal-Fired Power Plants in the Ohio River Basin. 1982
Crustal structure of the Cascadia fore arc of Washington / 2005
Economic role of water in Colorado an input-output analysis / 1988
Evaluating various adsorbents and membranes for removing radium from groundwater / 1988
Fundamental principles of negotiation : a guide for EPA officials / 1987
Fundamentals of negotiation : a guide for environmental professionals / 1989
Ground water contamination in the Northeast States : prepared for Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1974
Invasion of an exotic species : stop the zebra mussel! / 1986
Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg's medical microbiology / 2016
Mercury, mercurials, and mercaptans. 1973
Methods for detection of environmental agents that produce congenital defects proceedings of the Guadeloupe Conference / 1975
Modular remediation testing system 1999
Neurohormonal techniques in insects / 1980
Problem definition study : evaluation of health and hygiene effects of the disposal of pesticides and pesticide containers / 1972
Role of acute toxicity bioassays in the remedial action process at hazardous waste sites / 1987
Summary of the Multi-Option Model : a computerized waste reduction information and advisory system / 1988
The ecology and naturalistic control of log pond mosquitoes in the Pacific Northwest / 1964
The Feasibility of using fiber optics for monitoring groundwater contaminants : II. organic chloride optrode / 1985
Trimethyltin, a Selective Limbic System Neurotoxicant, Impairs Radial-Arm Maze Performance. 1982
Use of effluent toxicity tests in predicting the effect of metals on receiving stream invertebrate communities / 1983
What you don't know can hurt you : EPA's teleconference on SQG. 1986

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