Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 66
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Select Item Title Year Published
A demonstration of thermal water utilization in agriculture / 1974
A field guide for the identification of invasive plants in southern forests. [electronic resource] 2010
A guide to the selection of materials for monitoring well construction and ground-water sampling / 1984
A guide to the selection of materials for monitoring well construction and ground-water sampling / 1984
A guide to the selection of materials for monitoring well construction and ground-water sampling / 1983
A management guide for invasive plants in southern forests. [electronic resource] 2010
Action for clean air; a manual for citizen participation in state implementation plan proceedings under the Clean Air Amendments of 1970 1971
Acute Postnatal Exposure to Triethyltin in the Rat: Effects on Specific Protein Composition of Subcellular Fractions from Developing and Adult Brain. 1983
Althea / 2015
Analytical Methods for Determination of POHC (Principal Organic Hazardous Constituents) in Combustion Products. 1985
Analytical Methods for Determination of Selected Principal Organic Hazardous Constituents in Combustion Products. 1986
Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki Affects a Beneficial Insect, the Cinnabar Moth (Lepidoptera: Arctidae). 1993
City in a park : a history of Philadelphia's Fairmount Park system / 2016
Compatibility of source separation and mixed-waste processing for resource recovery / 1981
Compendium of state laws and regulations affecting water well drilling / by Joseph D. Ritchey and James D. Miller. 1979
Conference on Federal-State Implementation of Public Law 90-602 : March 24-28, 1969, Montgomery, Alabama : {proceedings} 1970
Consider the source : a critical guide to 100 prominent news and information sites on the Web / 2007
Crustal structure of the Cascadia fore arc of Washington / 2005
Cryogenic sampling of turbine engine exhaust / 1974
Demonstration of coal mine haul road sediment control techniques / 1976
Design and Evaluation of an Electronic Radiography System. 1971
Dose Response of Elastase-Induced Emphysema in Hamsters. 1981
Early life history of northern pike in artificial wetlands of Conesus Lake, New York 1995
Effects of noise on people / 1971
Effects of noise on people / 1971
Effects of Oxidant Air Pollution on Susceptibility of Pine Roots to Fomes annosus. 1980
Environmental effects of oil shale mining and processing. 1978
Environmental toxicity of aquatic radionuclides : models and mechanisms / 1976
Evaluated methodology for the analysis of residual wastes : volume II / 1980
Evaluation of Analytical Methods for the Determination of POHC (Principal Organic Hazardous Constituents) in Combustion Products. 1984
Factors Determining Degree of Inflation in Intratracheally Fixed Rat Lungs. 1980
Federal facilities assistance program 1980
Fish phenology : anabolic adaptiveness in teleosts : the proceedings of a symposium held at the Zoological Society of London on 6 and 7 April, 1978 / 1979
Future Gasoline Engine Technology and the Effect on Thermal Management and Real World Fuel Consumption / 2013
Geology of the Virginia portion of the Appalachia and Benham quadrangles 1988
Haze Formation: Its Nature and Origin. 1975
Information highways : mapping information delivery networks in the Pacific Northwest / 1985
Innovative biological pretreatments for membrane filtration / 2003
Investigation of a high-pressure foam wastewater treatment process, 1970
Irrigation tailwater management / 1981
Long-term effects of land application of domestic wastewater : Tooele, Utah, slow-rate site. 1979
Methods for detection of environmental agents that produce congenital defects proceedings of the Guadeloupe Conference / 1975
Milk production during subclinical nematode parasitism : response to coumaphos (Baymix) treatment of freshening dairy cows on a pastured California dairy / 1982
PIC analysis methods : project summary / 1987
POHC (Principal Organic Hazardous Constituent) Analysis Methods for Hazardous Waste Incineration. Volume 1, Part 2. 1987
POHC (Principal Organic Hazardous Constituent) Analysis Methods for Hazardous Waste Incineration. Volume 2. 1987
POHC analysis methods for hazardous waste incineration / 1987
POHC analysis methods for hazardous waste incineration : project summary / 1987
Reforming regulation 1980
Residual monomers in acrylic and modacrylic fibers and fabrics / 1979
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