Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9

Select Item Title Year Published
Alternatives for sodium cyanide for flotation control / 1981
Application of oil agglomeration for effluent control from coal cleaning plants : final report / 1985
Fuel Contaminants: Volume 1. Chemistry. 1976
Fuel Contaminants: Volume 2. Removal Technology Evaluation. 1976
Fuel Contaminants: Volume 3. Control of Coal-related Pollutants. 1979
Fuel Contaminants: Volume 4. Application of Oil Agglomeration to Coal Wastes. 1979
Laboratory feasibility studies for the fluidized-bed combustion of spent potlining from aluminum reduction {microfiche} 1984
Literature Review on Occurrence and Methodology for Determination of Nickel, Chromium, Manganese, and Arsenic Species in Air. 1984
Process improvement studies on the Battelle hydrothermal coal process / 1985

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