Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11

Select Item Title Year Published
CASAC review of project work plan for the particulate matter criteria document / 1998
CASAC review of the Daft document air quality criteria for carbon monoxide (EPA/600/P-99/001) / 1999
CASAC review of the draft document Airborne particulate matter: research strategy (EPA/600/R-99/045) / 1999
Closure by CASAC on the document, Air quality criteria for carbon monoxide (EPA 600/P-99/001B) / 2000
Consequences of prolonged inhalation of ozone on Fisher-344/N rats, collaborative studies. 1994
Effects of inhaled nitrogen dioxide and diesel exhaust on developing lung 1987
Influence of experimental pulmonary emphysema on toxicological effects from inhaled nitrogen dioxide and diesel exhaust / 1990
Pulmonary toxicity of inhaled diesel exhaust and carbon black in chronically exposed rats 1994
Review of the draft Air quality criteria document for particulate matter / 2000
Review of the US EPA response to Section 6102(e) of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century / 2000
Toxic and carcinogenic effects of solid particles in the respiratory tract / 1994

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