Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Lonneman AND William AND A)

Select Item Title Year Published
Ambient air/source transport and transformation relationships for selected hazardous air pollutants / 1986
Comparison of 0600-0900 AM hydrocarbon compositions obtained from 29 cities / 1989
Determination of C2 to C12 ambient air hydrocarbons in 39 U.S. cities from 1984 through 1986 1989
Determination of C2 to C12 ambient air hydrocarbons in 39 U.S. cities, from 1984 though 1986 : project summary / 1989
Hydrocarbons in Houston air / 1979
Ozone plumes from small cities and ozone in high pressure weather systems / 1983
Proceedings of Symposium on 1975 Northeast Oxidant Transport Study : Research Triangle Park North Carolina, January 20-21, 1976 / 1977
VOCs in Mexico City ambient air / 1993

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