Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A summary of the 1983 EPA national performance audit program on source measurements / 1985
A summary of the 1984 EPA national performance audit program on source measurements / 1986
A summary of the 1985 EPA national performance audit program on source measurements / 1987
Accuracy Assessment of EPA Protocol Gases Purchased in 1991. 1992
An atlas of contaminants in the eggs of fish-eating colonial birds of the Great Lakes (1970-1988) / 1992
Assessment of Sediment Contamination in Tampa Bay, Florida Using the Sediment Quality Triad Approach. 1996
Assessment of the Long-Term Precision of Continuous Emission Monitors. 1985
Biological availability of total phosphorus / 1979
Biological treatment and downstream processing of perchlorate-contaminated water / 2004
Chemical Contaminants in the Tampa Bay Estuary: A Summary of Distributions and Inputs. 1995
Chemical extraction as an index of bioavailability of phosphate in Lake Erie basin suspended sediments / 1978
Comparison of Audit Techniques and Performance Audit Results for EPA Method 25 for Volatile Organic Compounds. 1987
Development of a Laboratory Method for Estimation of Hydrogen Chloride Emission Potential of Incinerator Feed Materials. 1992
Development of Audit Devices and Materials for Source Level Air Pollution Measurement Methods. 1987
Development of Calibration Procedures for Toxic Metal Aerosols for Continuous Monitoring Systems. 1996
Effects of Aqueous Al, Cd, Cu, Fe(II), Ni, and Zn on Pb Immobilization by Hydroxyapatite. 1994
Effects of conservation tillage on groundwater quality : nitrates and pesticides / 1987
Effects of no-till and fall plowing on pesticide movement in runoff and tile drainage / 1991
Effects of no-till and fall plowing on pesticide movement in runoff and tile drainage / 1989
Effects of No-Till and Fall Plowing on Pesticide Movement in Runoff and Tile Drainage. 1989
Effects of NO3(-), Cl(-), F(-), SO4(2-), and CO3(2-) on Pb(2+) Immobilization by Hydroxyapatite. 1994
Estimates of Analytical Accuracy, Repeatability, and Reproducibility from EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) National Coal Audit Program Data. 1985
Evaluating the risks and benefits of soil amendments used in agriculture 2002
Evaluation of CO and THC analyzers for hazardous waste incinerator emissions measurement / 1990
Evaluation of HCl measurement techniques at a hazardous waste incinerator / 1990
Evaluation of MC1 measurement techniques at municipal and hazardous waste incinerators {microfiche} 1990
Evaluation of the Emissions from Low-Sulfur and Biodiesel Fuel Used in an Heavy-Duty Diesel Truck during On-Road Operation. 2009
Evaluation of the Kriging Method to Predict 7-h Seasonal Mean Ozone Concentrations for Estimating Crop Losses (Journal Version). 1987
Field Validation of the Volatile Organic Sampling Train (VOST) Protocol. 1986
Fourier transform spectroscopy as a continuous monitoring method : a survey of applications and prospects / 1989
Hydrocarbon continuous monitoring systems for hazardous waste incinerator emissions measurement / 1991
Innovative Sensing Techniques for Monitoring and Measuring Selected Dioxins, Furans, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Stack Gas. 1992
Laboratory Evaluation of the Protocol for the Volatile Organic Sampling Train. 1985
Land application of sludge : food chain implications / 1987
Levels of plant available phosphorus in agricultural soils in the Lake Erie drainage basin : Project Report, Agronomy Department, Ohio Agricultural Research & Development Center / 1977
Maumee River basin pilot watershed study : summary pilot watershed report : submitted to International Joint Commission Reference Group on Pollution from Land Use Activities / 1978
Maumee River Basin Pilot Watershed Study. Volume 3. Continued Watershed Monitoring (1978-80). 1981
Maumee River Basin Pilot Watershed Study. Volume 4. Continued Watershed Monitoring (1981-1985) and Rainulator Study (1986) 1991
Maumee River Basin Pilot Watershed Study. Volume 5. Continued Watershed Monitoring (1981-1985) and Rainulator Study - Detailed Data (1986). 1987
Maumee River Basin Pilot Watershed Study. Volume I. Watershed Characteristics and Pollutant Loadings, Defiance Area, Ohio. 1979
Maumee River basin watershed study : semi-annual report : submitted to International Joint Commission Reference Group on Pollution from Land Use Activities / 0
Maumee River Basin, Ohio; Summary Pilot Watershed Report. 1978
Measurement of PM-10 Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1985
Performance audit procedures for opacity monitors / 1992
Performance audit procedures for opacity monitors : technical assistance document / 1987
Pesticide use in the Lake Erie basin and the impact of accelerated conservation tillage on pesticide use and runoff losses / 1981
Phosphorus analysis of major soil series samples from the Lake Erie drainage basin / 1987
Playa wetlands and wildlife on the Southern Great Plains : a characterization of habitat / 1983
Playa wetlands and wildlife on the Southern Great Plains : a guide to habitat management / 1983
Playa Wetlands and Wildlife on the Southern Great Plains: A Guide to Habitat Management. 1983
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