Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Locklin AND D AND W)

Select Item Title Year Published
Combustion additives for pollution control : a state-of-the-art review / 1977
Design trends and operating problems in combustion modification of industrial boilers / 1974
Experimental evaluation of fuel oil additives for reducing emissions and increasing efficiency of boilers / 1977
Field Investigation of Emissions from Combustion Equipment for Space Heating (Data Supplement). 1973
Field investigation of emissions from combustion equipment for space heating / 1973
Guidelines for adjustment of atmospheric gas burners for residential and commercial space heating and water heating : adjustment procedures to minimize air pollution and to achieve efficient use of gas / 1979
Guidelines for burner adjustments of commercial oil-fired boilers : oil-burner adjustment procedures to minimize air pollution and to achieve efficient use of fuel / 1976
Guidelines for residential oil-burner adjustments : oil-burner adjustment procedures to minimize air pollution and to achieve efficient use of fuel / 1975
Investigation of particulate emissions from oil-fired residential heating units / 1974
Summary report on preparation and firing of emulsions of no. 2 fuel oil and water 1968
The Federal R & D plan for air-pollution control by combustion-process modification : final report / 1971

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